Crocante e macio ?! Batata Queijo Donuts em vez de Farinha !! Super delicioso.

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Usei uma deliciosa batata em vez de farinha para fazer donuts com queijo de batata. O exterior é crocante, mas o interior é muito macio. Cebola é adicionada para torná-lo ainda mais delicioso.

1. 2,5 ~ 3 batatas
2. 2 ovos
3. Cebola
4. Queijo mussarela
5. Amido de batata
6. Farinha
7. Pão ralado

Obrigado por assistir o vídeo.

Source: 쿠킹하루 Cooking Haru 🙂


دونات بطاطا بالجبنة. Cooking Haru 🙂 3 حبات بطاطس (400 جم). يقطع. اجعل بطن البطاطس مسطحًا. سيكون من الأسهل وضع وقطع. أضف 4TBSP (؟) من الماء. 9 دقائق في الميكروويف (اضبط الوقت). راجعته كل 3 دقائق ولكنه اختياري. حار! حار! بعد 3 دقائق من الطهي ، قمت بخلط البطاطس للطهي بالتساوي. اطبخي لمدة 3 دقائق أخرى في الميكروويف. قم بإزالة الماء الزائد.

يمكنك طهي البطاطس على الموقد بدلاً من الميكروويف. 3 دقائق إضافية في الميكروويف (إجمالي 9 دقائق). فتح! افتح يا سمسم!! من فضلك … كزة البطاطس برفق للتأكد من نضجها بالكامل. 1 ملعقة صغيرة ملح وكافية فلفل. بطاطس مهروسة. يمكنك فقط أكل هذا. إنه لذيذ جدًا أيضًا. 3 ملاعق كبيرة من نشاء البطاطس. تعال يا بصل! سأستخدم البصل مثل قالب الدونات. جبنة موزاريلا (اختياري). قطع في نفس الحجم من البصل.

يمكنك استخدام شرائح جبنة الموزاريلا إذا كان من السهل الوصول إليها في منطقتك. ضعي جبنة الموزاريلا على طول البصل من الداخل. ورقة تفلون وقفازات الطبخ. أنا مستعد للقتال! لا! يطبخ!! بسبب نشاء البطاطس ، يبدو وكأنه عجين عادي. لكن لا تضيف الكثير من نشا البطاطس. الطعم الأصلي للبطاطس أفضل. نعلق البطاطس حول البصل. أضف ما يكفي من البطاطس. شكل دونات مثالي. الغميضة. قم بإخفائها بشكل مثالي. حسن! دعنا نذهب لتحضير الخليط. طحين. واحد ، اثنان ، ثلاثة ، أربعة … هل هو حقًا 4 TBSP ؟؟؟

بيض. “صه! وحش الملعقة يبحث عن البيض … “Phew !!” لقد عاشوا بسعادة بعد ذلك. 1/3 ملعقة صغيرة ملح. فتات الخبز. تغمس في الدقيق. قم بتغطيته بعناية. يرتدي بيضة صفراء جميلة. أخيرًا ، فتات الخبز. صحافة. اضغط لإرفاق فتات الخبز جيدًا. حرارة متوسطة. يكفي زيت الطهي.

يعد التسخين المسبق لزيت الطهي أمرًا مهمًا للحصول على دونات مقرمشة (تحقق من الفقاعات). إنه أثقل من دونات العادي. احرص على عدم تناثر الزيت. لا تلمسه كثيرا. انتظر واقلبها عندما يكون القاع مقليًا ومقرمشًا. صوت مقرمش! استمتع بـ ASMR. رائع!! تبدو لذيذة جدا. الصوت والشكل كلها رائعة !! دونات بطاطس بالجبنة جاهزة. أحسنت!! أحسنت!! سأقطعها لأريكم بالداخل. بطاطا طرية لذيذة وجبنة موزاريلا في دونات مقرمشة! طعمها رائع! اسمحوا لي أن ألتقط صورة مصغرة و …

جربها مع الكاتشب. جبنة الموزاريلا جيدة جدًا مع البطاطا الطرية. يم. يم. البصل يجعل المذاق أفضل. كلما زاد عدد البطاطس ، كان ألذ. جربه يومًا ما. أتمنى أن تكون قد استمتعت بفيديو اليوم. نراكم مرة أخرى. شكرا لك على الاشتراك ، الإعجابات والتعليقات.

1237 Comentários:


Not only does this look delicious, this video was hilarious. I laughed/smiled the entire time. The smacking of the spatula and the potatoes was so funny for some reason. Thank you!

New Jerusalem

Omg you are a cooking genius ️️🇺🇸

Movie Games

Potato and cheese is the best combination ever. High in carbs and fat, so whatever diet you’re doing it breaks both.

yuli andriani

Never thought a cook video would made me smiles, giggling unstoppable. Not only you present your recepy pretty simple to follow, but unexpectedly entertaining!
Your sense of humor is super!!!

Soo Akh

It is past midnight and I am enjoying Cooking Haru’s videos as if it was ASMR ! The sounds, the humour, the subtitles … everything is there! Love it ! And recipe ….. I’m drooling


우아~~~ 너무 맛있겠어요
맛있게 배워갑니다 감사합니다


I’m glad to see the egg family was able to survive this round of cooking

Jagannath’s Kitchen

I literally tried this yesterday and I can’t describe how good it was!! thank you for the amazing recipe


It looks so delicious. Loved the remark as well: “You can use sliced Mozzarella cheese, if its easier available in your area” and there I was, never had I seen or heard of the existence of sliced Mozzarella cheese xD

Sommer DJ

Not only are your recipes awesome, you add in the right amount of amusement to make me giggle! Never change your style, you’re amazing!

Karina Hernández

“poke gently” and proceeds to poke effusively until a bit of potato flies of the bowl hahaha, thank you for sharing! it looks delicious and plus the video is so entertaining, thanks for making me smile, too. I’ll definitely try it

Srija / Chakri Nandula

“Poke the potatoes gently”…
“Dumbledore asked calmly”…

Trish Hamlett

Thank you, takes me back to my childhood when you could buy them in bags (in the UK). Going to have a go at making these

Lucinha Marx

Da água na boca só de olhar.
Vou fazer 🇧🇷



Arslan L

I absolutely love the amont of cheese you add in almost all the dishes you make.

Seokyong Hong

감자고로케 맛나겠네요

Forest Ntt

Makes me smile every time. Your humour and cooking skills are both on point.

Louise Filgueiras


Kaitlyn Dennison

Woah!! I never thought about making it like that before!! Thank you Haru!


It’s like an onion ring, a mozzarella stick and a Piccadilly chip were all able to have a baby together. Looks amazing!


To już wiem co dziś będę robił na obiad 😀 Co ja bym zrobił bez ciebie

Brigitte Stephens

Going to try this for someone who is on a gluten free dairy free eating regimen. I know it will be great because the thickness is from the potatoes. Thank you for this video and easy to follow instructions.


I love the humour, the slapping, the cleanliness, the relaxing music & the delicious looking food lol. Although im vegan so I’ll try & find some alternatives for the eggs part but thank you:)


I never knew how much I needed these donuts in my life


I cooked it and it’s amazing!! Thank you for this recipe ️

Márcia Mario

Este canal só tem receitas de se apaixonar…parabéns por compartilhar essas delícias

Валентина Суханова

Обожаю ваши рецепты! До чего же вы веселый повар.Ваши действия, в приготовлении рецепта, сопровождаются шутками,и это повышает заряд энергии на целый день.

Regina Ricarte

Amei seu jeito divertido e bem humorado de cozinhar, amei muito mais os donuts, fiquei salivando só de ver o vídeo


this giving me “how to basic” vibes but where he actually finishes the dish


The way they make is so wholesome and cute

Beat Hard

This is me watching a cooking show for the first time…and I am not able to stop laughing DUDE!! YOU ARE HILARIOUS!!



Great idea! I was going to have mashed potatoes with dinner tonight but I think I’ll try this instead. Using Cheddar instead of mozzarella.


Onion rings, but with mashed potatoes and cheese. Pure magic. 🙂 <3

Nihlus Spectre

This looks amazing! How much do I have to pay to have someone make it for me?!

Karthik mishra

Can we just appreciate how perfectly shaped those donuts are.

madeleine sotelo

Se ven deliciosas y son sencillas de hacer gracias por esta estupenda receta saludos desde Venezuela

Charlie M.

Roflol. You always make me laugh. Please never change how you prep and cook everything.
Love your videos. <3


Your method of cooking is beautiful.

I love the question marks when you question the measurements. It makes me feel better about the moments when I have to estimate the water I need for cooking instant noodles.

Ирина Евланичева

Спасибо за рецепт. Обязательно приготовлю!

L u L u

Haru : poke the potatoes g e n t l y
Also Haru : proceeds to murder the potatoes

This video made my day,thank youuuu <3


Hi Cooking Haru! First time to watch your videos! I immediately subscribed after watching one video… And I was hoping you can answer my question, can I store these in the freezer so that I can cook it for the next days? And can I use processed cheese instead of mozzarella? Thank you

karmen oa

Me puedo pasar horas viendo estos videos, encima genial explicados , los subtítulos super cachondos igual que el vídeo.
Me encanta, muchas gracias.

Irss 713

its at times like these i wish i had my own kitchen. this is art


“Poke potato gently to make sure it’s cooked.”
Cooking Haru: stabs

٤lena K༏m

요리두 요리지만, 비디오 에디팅 하시는 센스가! 점에 만점이에요! 사람의 모든 센스를 자극해 만족 시키십니다!
p.s. 케첩 용기가 앙증맞게 귀여워요~

Canal da Ilza

Obra de arte amei 🇧🇷️

Vixey Teh

I love these ASMR vibe cooking videos. Sounds so satisfying.


Je vais plutôt les acheter tout prêt. Ça sera meilleur que de les cuisiner moi même

Angel Zuñiga

Me encanta los aros de cebolla y está receta de ve deliciosa…sin dudas hay que intentarlo… gracias!!

Sherry Fatzinger

Before I say anything else, this my type of food . Potatoes , onions, cheese . They look yummy! I will use my plant based substitutes for the cheese as well as the eggs . Thank you for sharing your recipe. The first chance I have to make these during my semester break, I will be spending the day making them, than enjoying the eats.


Acabei de fazer e todos amaram essa receita …valeu♡♡♡


I really like the part when he slaps the food for no reason :)))

N. A.

A real fun way to cook, love the spatula monster and all the smacking


Hahahaha I really enjoyed your video. It’s informative and humourous Thanks for putting in so much effort into your video. This food is just the best combination for me! I love potatoes, cheese and fried onion rings!!!! Gonna subscribe and check out your other videos!

Food Creator

This recipe is looking certainly stunning and tempting U prepared it so good !


These are delicious to make and really easy too <3 thankyou


I don’t intend to make this donut at all, but I totally enjoyed watching this funny video!


As a kid from Wisconsin, this looks like a delicious combination of both my favorite Culver’s appetizers: cheese curds and onion rings.


For those who don’t microwave, 3 whistles in the pressure cooker will yield the right consistency for mashing potatoes.

Mike R

Thanks for suggesting trying those with ketchup! I never would have thought that potatoes and ketchup go together!


One of the best cooking channels I have come across, Love the humour, I had a few giggles along the way, Great

Melina Rigolin

Com certeza farei. Deve ser muito delicioso…

Marvin M

The Potato Cheese Donuts are very delicious .

O amanhã a Deus pertence 🙏

Que maravilha deu até água na boca 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷

Charity Sheppard

My Romanian Grandmother made sweet donuts with left over mashed potatoes. My mom carried on her mom’s tradition. They are so yummy.

Лола Розыматова

вкуснятина ! попробуйте приготовить . вкус необычный


This is beyond cooking, it´s kitchen LEGO. Amazing!

Елена Элланская

У вас прямо спектакль! Чудеса и с луком можно поговорить, я тоже так делаю . Они великолепны!


Love your video and wholesome but quirky sense of humor! Thank you! Thank you also for including the recipe in the description box below and not a link to a website selling a bunch of other stuff!! I appreciate it! Your cooking looks amazing! Rock on and God Bless you!

Crafty Confections

My kids will love this! Crunchy and cheesy everything we wanted in a snack.

Achadinhos da Jeni

Deu água na boca e bicheira tbem

Jack L’arnaque

I leave the table and this recipe causes a small hole in my stomach, I’m testing it tonight !!! Gorgeous !!!

kudurun zenginim nokta kom

Bu kanalı seviyorum çünkü kolayca bulabileceğimiz mazemelerle harika tarifler veriyor


Just had it. Pretty good! one thing I did different was use shredded mozzarella and just mixed it with the potato


wyglada smakowicie

Chakachak Foods

I tried this today and it was so easily to follow the recipe and your instructions where clear, my family loved it. I definitely recommend doing this ^-^

Priscila Batista

Estou adotando seus vídeos ️🇧🇷


I’m usually a fan of Japanese culture, until I tried korean “corn” dogs. I have seen the light. This potato cheese donuts must be just as good…

Food Recipes by Kitchen Queen

It looks so delicious and tempting! Nicely prepared and presented thoroughly enjoyed the whole process… Thanks for sharing amazing recipe.


I did this! Thanks for the recipe, they were delicious ️


As a person who has no interest in cooking whatsoever, watching these types of videos really makes me wanna try cooking


“Poke the potatoes gently”

Proceeds to stab them aggressively

Vash Stampede

Muy divertido video jajaja para un cocinero esto es amor a la comida y profesión

Afros R’s Us

Never knew how much I needed this channel in my life until I saw this video

Mae Pang Ravinet

his looks delicious 😀 !! are there any replacements for potato starch? because I don’t think I have a local shop that sells it


Finally – a food channel that can make me both laugh and salivate at the same time! Spank that food “Get in ma belleeeh!!”


OMG looks super delicious

Asiya Khatoon

Thankyou so much haru..!! U saved my dying onion ring… yesterday i attempted to make it without potato but it failed…then i saw ur recipie and added potato layer to the rings and the result were unbelievably amazing…even for a teenage beginner like me who can’t even crack an egg in a proper way..!!!
Thankyou so muchh…!!!


this cooking video make my day i smiled and laughed the entire time


I love your humor and your cooking skills, another awesome video!


Классно! Было очень весело смотреть. А готовить с такими комментариями сплошное удовольствие!

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Wow that looks delicious. I bet it’d be good with marinara sauce


This looks absolutely amazing!
Will definitely try!^^


It’s like a big French fry, mozzarella stick, onion ring donut. Love it. I definitely want to try it.

Mellony e a Mamae

Que maravilha
Imagino que ficou uma delícia

Divine Rydia

Can’t wait to try this. Sounds and looks delicious

Classy Chassey Car Hop Trays

I have an old family recipe for potatoes donutes, never heard of potatoe cheese donuts. Very interesting and gonna have to try. Car hop trays from amazon.

Patrick a.k.a Pendaemonium

Watching this at 5 am in the morning without having sleep is oddly satisfying! Subscribed. God i love food videos


its sooo easy to make and its soooo yummy!Thanks:)

pandalin Ch.

I was half-expecting them to dip it in jam again. Dx
I love this cooking channel. Sound effects and spatula slapping are the best!


I’m going to try this, but probably with a sour cream and chives sauce, or a herb mayo sauce. Ketchup just sounds so subpar after the work done to make these delicious snacks.

Olga Time

Очень вкусно получилось )))

Outdoor Sweden

Looks so delicious

Felipe Ramos

Ficou top parabéns irmão vou fazer pro natal agora .

Matt Shih

I cooked this and my mother finally said the words

“im proud of you son”


“Poke potatoes gently to check it is fully cooked”
Haru: Proceeds to poke potatoes aggresively

Seema Agarwal

Your cooking style is very lovely and recipe is also mouthwatering


I hope my mom could have made me this , but I am pretty sure she won’t ️

BrozBnC Gaming

Cant even lie these look sooooo amazing going to try them next few days

Braden Jackson

레서피도 레서피 지만 영상 구성/구도 센스가 어마어마하게 감각적이다. 개쩔어


Love the way you demonstrate your cooking, the ingredients are amazing & very inspiring, I have a passion for cooking, Thanks for sharing & looking forward to keep watching & learning.

Cláudio Assunção

Parece realmente muito bom. Ovos fofinhos

Yo Kidz

I wish I can eat this amazing snack while watching this video………..thanks for sharing.️


Мммм так хочется попробовать

LWL Productions

This is the most American thing I have seen all day. I don’t care if this content creator grew up and has lived their whole life in Japan, this is a 100% American dish!

Andrea Krause

This looks so delicious. Your videos are pretty ASMR by the way! I love it!


Omg yum. I can cook anything by watching videos and even reading recipes. Many near me find cooking to be hard but I also can improvise a little. Lol but I’m an average cooker. All these people from India and Mexican ya I guess they learned at a higher level. But I’m considered regular: also they should sell these at places. Unfortunately I only cook healthy things mostly like I do cheese biscuits. And I guess cooking like anything else is a experience thing. I kinda live in a bad place right now with a bad stove. But watching these makes me want to cook more rather then buying frozen stuff. Also I’m learning to make matcha lattes. It seems really simple after reading about it but don’t have a chasen I think it’s called? And a tea sifter. I really like tea and coffee hehe. And I wish I knew where to buy some chopsticks lol. I can’t ever find them in the stores

Nia Macfoy

There’s so much personality in this and I love it I have to try this recipe….I may actually be able to execute this

Esther Hwang

고수의 손길이 느껴지네요!! 얼마나 맛있을지 상상하기 싦음!! 못먹으니까..ㅠㅠ


OMG, I’d kill for them!


Look so delicious! I am going to make it right now.

MoreMe LessYou

Baby girl! You did THAT! Thank you for the recipe, luv!!!! Yum!!

Tomboy Warrior

Looking very delicious. Even though I don’t like onions lol. I might try one day the recipe (but without onions :v)

Oficina do Ardito

This is a very common street food here in brazil. It’s just a bit different from what we have here, and it is called salgadinho.

Daniel Valle Duarte

You would have to sell these for $8 a piece at least for all that labor…looks amazing

Lucinha Marx

Aproveitando que hoje é sexta feira e o jantar vai ser diferente hoje. as batatas já estão no fogo

Ione Shaver

Can you use corn starch instead of potato starch? Or maybe rice flour?


Готовить не буду!!!) Очень доооолго!))) Но от души поржала!)))) Озвучка и перевод ааааагонь

Aubrey & Domo

Very neat, creative, n looks amazing I like how the chef whipped the egg with the Chinese Sticks I need to try this


They lived happily ever after
Awesome video!

Roni Bass

how can anyone not like this? this is a delight, congratulations to the channel.

Hoa Vu

this is the first time i watch a cutest video in cooking. Love the sounds, how he slaps those cute potato, the motion of eggs…. everything… I LOVE this video

Bucephalus 🐎

Hi cooking haru I’m from Tamil Nadu (India 🇮🇳) yesterday I tried this, it’s came out vry yummy . Thank you so much.


THAT’S clever! Using thick-cut onion rings as potato donut moulds!

A’s Recipes

Looks so delicious

Amin bl

I guess haru find his foods adorable because he keeps on petting it….I’m also like that I find my brother so cute and always pinch his cheeks till he cries just because he’s adorable

En Celade

Tellement drôle tous les bruitages XD Tres beau travail 🙂

Berenice Castro


gloria candler

Absolutely love your videos!! The wooden spoon is my favorite


That look very tasty! I’ll try it one day 😀


Loved the recipe and loved how humoristica the video was! 10/10


Adorei a receita! Parabéns (・◡・)/

Aparecida fatima Duarte moraes



M e encanta como ha cocinado <3

Lee Savage

I not going to lie that looks delicious

Darryn Blom

Fantastic.. Looks like I’m making crispy potato donuts today..

late night food

This looks so delicious Yummy


the way those donuts are made very impressive

Creative Shading and Coloring

I like your recepie and I will try these lovely crispy donuts for my kids

Deidre Goodman

Look very delicious

Шахла Маммедкеримова

Спасибо за позитивный видео ,от души смеялась когда вы пальчиками пик-пик делаете а яйца вапще

Alia Fairus

Is it okay to use another kind of cheese? Will it change the taste? Anyway thanks for the videos, gonna try it later at home <3

Velvet Spicer

I love the humor…and the recipe looks good too!

inartem mangga

love the part where they aggressively tap the potato ring gently


I just love watching ppl make food that I’ll never be able to eat

The Magic of Cooking

That looks so much delicious. Thank you for sharing this.


It looks so Yummy ️

Cn Asmr Sound

This looks so so delicious!!

Siber the Deaf Kitty

I have GOT to make these.. OMG they look delicious!!!!

Rith kopckayk

Eu fiz e ficou maravilhoso ♡♡

Lakana Nong

my first time seeing your channel and I had to subscribe immediately. I loooooove how it’s shot and the love the spatula action even more! thanks

Moon Nugget

Well done! I can’t wait to make this gonna do the extra smacking too! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Made this with my mom turned out amazing and very good!

Lauri L

I just loved the chaotic energy… and how he keeps slightly slapping the food all the time as if was my baes butt XD


I’m gonna try making these, they look really delicious.

Paulina Luna

Wow lo haré Muy divertida tu manera de realizar el vídeo. Gracias, saludos desde México 🇲🇽

Francele García

Tha fact that this is funny and looks so good, makes me wanna try it even more, I love it

Michele Strube da Silveira

Adorei, parabéns, simplesmente maravilhoso.

Senpai Desu

I really dont know why i love watching food videos at 2am knowing i would be hungry

sara castellanos

Gracias por la receta, la he probado y he añadido jamón y la verdad que sale muy rico.

enrique sanchez davila

Is that bread crumbs or tempura ? Just never seen it like that looks delicious

Lisa Hinton

I can tell you’d be a blast to live with – everything would be fun all the time. Thanks for your fantastically funny video. This is the first video of yours I have ever seen and I have a feeling I am going to be up half the night watching more. Thanks again.


This vlogger makes me want to cook, but also not even want to try, because I’m already satisfied from just watching.


omg I need to try this! it looks delicious!

Simple Crunch😋

Potatoes are my favourite. This is great recipe. Will surely try sometime.

Candy Lane

Omg my two kittens loooove watching u make this! They be so focused and enjoying all the sounds and fast movements! Your awesome and great turn out

rebecca s

had this for dinner it was very delicious

Neiva Souza Silva Rocha

Que delícia


I’m not a big fan of onion rings, but those do look good


Seeing your videos always put a smile on my face. Thank you.

Ruth Meilan

Thank you very much for the recipe


Love your cooking style…


Looks good and has amazing howtobasic energy!

Moreira Cabral

Deve ter ficado muito bom, mas estou sem grana para comprar ingredientes, assim que puder vou fazer.

miss Kochiee

delicious food with simple ingredients …love it.

erica cordeiro

Nossa amei vou fazer a receita

Yan-Chan 燕茶

It looks tasty!

Lucius Cabral Zenardo

THE ONION. THIS IS GENIUS. I’m lactose intolerant so this will be for my girlfriend but she doesn’t like onions now that I think about it. It’s GENIUS ANYWAY

Vilma Sosa Tavio

Eres muy divertid@ y creativ@. Me encanta lo que haces y cómo lo haces!!!

H. W Plainview

The most heartwarming cooking channel on YT. from India.


If only I had a fully automated kitchen to prepare these for me…

Солнечный Край

Спасибо !Какой вкусный ролик!Люди будьте Добрее это и есть Счастье!

Bamaza TV

Спасибо за рецепт

Cooking With Mrs Jahan

Cheesy potato doughnuts looks delicious very yummy


i wanted to spontaneously combust the entire time i watched this. it looks so good.

hache _badboyofi

Tus vídeos me entretienen y me ayudan a preparar comida a mi gente

Rakan Almrwany

Looks nice️

Tich Nguyen

Never thought a cook video would made me smiles, giggling unstoppable. Not only you present your recepy pretty simple to follow, but unexpectedly entertaining!
Your sense of humor is super!!!

Funny Clips

I’m glad to see the egg family was able to survive this round of cooking

Лола Иванова

Ооочень аппетитно! Обьязательно попробую, спасибо

Shan Lizè

I enjoyed the tad of humor and especially how the video was quick without those drawn out tedious prep momentd

Nidhi Sakpal

I love your recipes

Armandina Guardado

Me encantó que no le hiciste nada a los cascarones.

Wan Auni

I can’t stop laughing especially when you slaps the donut repeatedly

Shahla Joubi

great video!! it was very cute to watch️
also, do you think frying this in the airfryer would work?


This looks like a great dish to try. Thank you for sharing.


Very well detailed and beautifully shot. Makes it increadibly easy to comprehend what I am looking at and how to make it myself.

Людмила Янцен

Идеальный рецепт для сына вегетарианца!

Lina Laham

Can we use corn starch instead of potato starch??

Elenita Batista

Amei!!! Amei!!! Gratidão pela receita!!! Deus abençoe!!!

Anela Blanchard

This recipe made me so happy thank you ,I love it

DIego Isidoro Paredes 2D

Muchas gracias! Saben delicioso

Fariha’s Canvas

Can I use corn starch instead of potatoe starch?

Nur Özateş

Çok lezzetli gözüküyor harikasın.Eline sağlık

Saadia Sardar

Can I use corn starch instead of potatoe starch?


I absolutely love your videos! I look forward to them every week! Thank you!

yassmine hidous

That was so well presented and it looks so yummy, I am hungry now!


Crazy bakingit must be very tasty .going to make this one day

brian heppell

didnt know benny hill had a cooking channel 😉 great recipe and fun to watch 🙂

Gábor Klimó

I would have frozen it a little and it would be easier to bread. Looks cool.

Datrevian Holder

Love the asmr earned a subscriber keep the videos coming God bless you

Robert Balluumm

Looks really yummy. Definitely going to make this for my daughter’s.

avi gold

looks delicious! you make it look so easy,mine would be blobs

Ted Bear

These are absolutely tremendous. Fantastic production on the video. I will make these in the next 2 days when I return to my place

Amy Goodwin

Can you use tapioca starch instead?


This looks so yummy! Is there any substitute I could use for the eggs? Could I just omit them, or maybe use milk? I have an egg allergy.



Celia Oliveira

Que delicia

Cozinhando com a Fá

Muito boa sua receita

Lydia Scherr

Made these today! They were a hit!

maria clara

the eggs with little faces are so cute ^^

Tavros Nitram

Looks delicious as heck, gunnu have to try this without the onion

Nadeesha Gunawardana

Can I use corn starch instead of potato starch?

Jonaths Barreto

Este é o melhor vídeo de 2021!
Perfeito! Tenho certeza que ficou delicioso!

Lilit Levonyan

HILARIOUS I laughed so hard, and I forgot that I was watching cooking show. Amazing !!!!

Sameer Jain

I used milk instead of eggs and it turned out great.

Wow 🤩 Standoff

Wow! That’s awesome, I repeated the recipe and was very surprised.

Homemade HD

Awesome recipe. Looks so delicious and yummy. Nice presentation and well explained recipe. Hope to see you soon with another wonderful recipe. Enjoy my recipes too ️

Cocino con mi hija Alcantara

So delicious

Sandra Gault C

No me caso de ver sus videos son divertidos y muy antojables

Марина Демирчян

Прелесть .


Those onion rings look amazing


Tried the recipe the dough never became that hard… It is soft and sticky


not sure I needed to see this, however I’m absolutely certain I need this in my life.


The rapid patting is always hilarious


I never even thought of combining an onion ring and a mozzarella stick with potato wedges but ill take it.

Cheryl Ann Ayala

Gonna try this. I think this will be fun. Me and my kids loves potatoes. Thanks for sharing this recipe.

Anto D Vante

Se me hizo agua la boca, voy a intentarlo un día


Looks delicious :))

Relax music for sleep

Ого какие они сочные

نور عصام صبحي

Can potato starch and corn starch be substituted?

Lil loli

The way you made me more interested in watching
It was really fun seems like your a really joyful person..
BTW loved the recipe

rachel siedzeleu lungalang

Looks so awesome…to eat, I dont have the patience to make it myself


Lo hice hoy y esta delicioso


Can corn starch be used instead :3?

Disha Teotia

Is it important to dip them in egg mix?


can you use an air frier instead of frying them in oil?

Cherry Berry

I’m coming here not just for recepies but have fun because of sounds

Пан Gamer

Чуть слюной не захлебнулся, нельзя смотреть такие видео ночью когда на диете…. Теперь хрен заснёшь)))

Canal de teste

Dá vontade de babar e vontade de rir pq ele faz cenas engraçadas MSM sem memes


와 진짜 맛있겠다…

Mabelle Tham

the angle of the food is so os o sooooo good :’–) and lighting’s on point too


Случайно наткнулся на ваш канал, вы крутой повар, привет из России🇷🇺

This statement is false Nothing is true

It’s like he mixed onion rings French fries and mozzarella sticks it’s great

Nahiyətul Cism

Elinize caniniza saglik.Her seye gore minnetdariq.Cok guzeldi.

Sugarcoated Slaughterhouse

I think you are my favorite cooking channel now! So funny

About Kitchen

I am speechless. This is not just a business for them, it’s a passion.

keep up the good work, lots of love


xuan hoang pham thi

Everything you make is delicious, thank you very much

The Greatest JMS W Cool Animation

Nice video
It also has some funny moments, which is great
I like Potatoes, so maybe I’ll like this
I don’t like the Onion tho, maybe I won’t include them
This recipe will go straight to my Food and Drink Recipes


when the only thing you dont have in ur kitchen are those onions


Выглядит аппетитно, но трудоёмкий процесс готовки.

Esmeralda Ventura

Q deliciosas muchas gracias bendiciones saludos desde Guatemala 🇬🇹

Rickky Bobby

You can make your own breadcrumbs just by grating some bread. Much cheaper, it’s what I do for a topping for things like tuna bake

maria J. cervantes C.

Tu vídeo se ve riquísimo, además muy divertido.

Remy Lebeau

everything about this video is top notch!


진심 눈물나게 맛있겠다…… (만들진 못하고 눈으로만 봅니다^_^.. 모양 고른 거 보소,,

no se

Gracias por el video, me pareció divertido (por los huevos) e instructivo, lo haré un día, la música jazz de fondo me gustó. saludos de la Cd. de México, I liked this video it was funny, the donnuts look great, I would prepare a salsa, whit tomates and chilli


I loved it. Now I have to look for someone to make it for me..

Ronelle Swaartz

Can you use normal Gouda cheese instead??

Денис Вовк

Картошку обязательно варить в духовке ? Или можно в печке на дровах ?

Kitty Sennpiie

man wish i had time to make this lol

RedWizard Hades

I saved this to my favorites. Next Rainy day I am making this. I love this channel eh. I am one happy Canadian watching these videos.

Christine Herson

This looks delicious. I think I’ll make some. But I so enjoyed your video.


“Poke potato gently to make sure it’s cooked.”
Cooking Haru: stabs

Navy Woman

Tapping on a donut like a Benny Hill on an old man’s bold hat…

Елена Элланская

Looks very exotic for me and interesting!


the fun comedy bits alone would garner the sub but the recipe looks fun to try too XD


I always challenge 2x speed when I watch Haru’s video

Kumara D. Samaranayake

Looks like super delicious. Thank you for sharing.


Подписалась из за улыбающихся яиц


What can I use instead of potato starch?

Barfi Kitchen

Nice Recipe.. I like the way you cook.. inspired by you and try to cook like you.. thank u..

vee !!

Can I use cornstarch instead of Potato starcj?


진짜…다이어트 끝나면 다 만들어 머글꺼야!!!!!!!

Daily Recipes Health And Beauty Tips

U r very talented in cooking love the way u made simple easy and different style of cooking easy…

flemming hedemann

Gotta do these asap. Thanks for this one.

Марина Наумова

аж кушать захотелось

Meri Duniya Mini’s world

Mouthwatering dish

Memmos Menu


나나 김

감자 치즈 도넛이라니 너무 맛있을 것 같아요. 감자 튀김만 먹어도 맛있는데, 치즈도 들어가서 더욱 부드럽고 맛있을 것 같습니다. 맛있는 감자 치즈 도넛 레시피 영상 감사합니다!


Que delícia de vídeo

олег букур

Очень аппетитно и очень очень вкусно

миру быть

Это любовь с первого взгляда

JiKook YiZhan WuJi LoLo

Ok. These look super delicious. The only thing I am nervous about are the onion rings. I hate raw onions.

Jeremy Huston

We love your videos, we’ve made several of your dishes. Thank you sir.

Malakiyah Amari

Adding an onion would’ve literally made this PERFECT!

Yyug Fhjj

Ну конечно же лайк, очень мне нравится этот нервный повар.

Lydia Channel

I like potato donuts, delicious, thank you Haru, success for u

KUDDEL Crashtests

Looks really tasty

♕کْيَمً يَوٌنِآ♡김연아

It looks very tasty, I’ll give it a try️️️️

Draw and Art

I am gonna definitely try this….yumm

Islam With Areebah

Yummy, it makes me so hungry. Delicious. Your cooking skills are awesome so I HAD to SUBSCRIBE and turn the NOTIFICATIONS on.


I love how aggressive everything seems cause of the fast speed

Renata Landi

Vou fazer


This made me drool so much the is so good looking

Food Vibe by Vanessa Vlas

you know me.. always loving the frying stuff 🙂

Riley Wilson Epicarcher999

This is probably really good with marinara sauce

한끼할까 let’s have a meal

Wow~감자 도넛~너무 맛있겠어요
고소하고 바삭하고~~
최고저도 도전~~~

Meltem Kaya

Aman Allahım! Bu nasıl bir güzellik! BEAUTİFULLLL


С сыром вместо муки, представляю фритюрить сыр

little puppy

Can you use an air fryer instead of deep frying??

The Culture Of Man Chad

Food and ASMR. My two senses have been blessed. Can’t wait to make it to bless all 5.

Doruk Erdem

Can we use Corn starch instead of Potato starch? It is hard to find that in my country

Miztik0 x

A decir verdad , me sirvió mucho , me salieron a la primera 🙂


looks very yummy!

Juana Mari Rubio Domínguez

Hermano asiático,, por favor hazlo más tranquilito que prisas no tienes y,,las cosas sé hacen tranquila y saben mejor,,,un beso desde España ️️🇪🇦️

Alexandra Bonifacio

se ve deli me gustaria provarlo


The faces on the eggs made my day.


CanI use corn starch instead of potato starch?

John 3:16

Omgosh you make me laugh. I can tell you’re having fun with the food!

Tony Dkzak

Anyone knows an alternative to the onions? Want to cook for my family but they don’t like it 🙁


Me : Patiently waiting to eat it through the phone UwU

Him: Slaps the food for literally noo reason :)))))

Gweanchana gweanchana ~~~

Zdeňka Svobodová

I tried the recipe, very good.


치즈넣을때 베이컨이나 슬라이스햄 같이 넣으면 더 맛있겠다… 담에 해먹는다면(과연?) 그렇게 해볼게요ㅋㅋ

Inevitable History

In India it is called Medu Vada but it does not have cheese and is eaten with coconut chutney and sambar…

Frying pan

I love your videos! ️ Amazing editing! Amazing recipes! ️

M Harding

So cute

ilham bensouda

Tu es drôle et amusante j aime bien tes recettes bravo.

Karim Amin

“Crispy and Soft?! Potato Cheese Donuts instead of Flour!! Super Delicious”
Ingredient #6: Flour

Gaming with cousins

I love ur videos so much I can’t wait to try them!


I love the dude He could also be a drummer with this beats

Yes Ramirez

Making this on Friday, so excited.

Kyuubie ッ

Cutest cooking vid iv seen. The fast forward mode with a classic bg sound


شكلها بشههي كتييير… بكرا رح اجربها ️

Il tostapane

I love your videos because you show every single passage, and I love it

Receitas Simples e Baratas youtube marys

Parabéns pelo video maravilhoso

ASH Miniature Kitchen

It looks great. Thank you

H. W Plainview

why does this make me so feel-good?

Rupali Keshari

Amazing what can I use instead of eggs?

Dragon Seed

So cute

Mohammed Suhail

Delicious and funny…over all Great job

Ирина Демчук

Вы такой молодец

Baro Bill

What can be used instead of onion?

Beauty Tips – Học và Chơi

The cakes are delicious and eye-catching. Your channel is very helpful. thank you for sharing

Audrey Rakoto

Bisous de France. Je vais essayer ces recettes magiques!

misky Loo

Looks so yummy.. Molding the dough around the onion looks bit fiddly for my clumsy fingers though.. If I miss a bit the cheese will leak out for sure… Hhmmm

Nothing Impossible

If i dont have potato starch, can i use all-purpose flour?

Emerym Ysf

C’est beau et ça doit être hyper bon, mais je n’ai pas assez de patience pour en faire !!!

nouha hasni

mom: what are you doing
me: lying in bed learning how to cook

Наталья Косенкова

Приготовлено с Улыбкой!

Tulip Champz

Wooooww yummy. My favourite part is those cute eggs I love the way you present the video. Enjoyable. Good luck

Gregory Charles

Love the way jokey parts in between. Very creative


i love this recipe!!

Никола Тачев

“Poke Gently” , Potatoes literally going airborne the same time 😀




1:09 man started stabbing the poor potatoes when he says to do it gently

نبع الحنان

يشهي راح اجربة بأقرب وقت ممكن


Love the comedic value in this too!


it looks so delicious

13 37

А лук не будет портить вкус? Или он теряет его при прожарке?

The Home Economist’s Kitchen

Haru MashaAllah you are so perfect.


The bread crumbs bag falling over the second time-

Agent Riot

this looks delicious


너무 맛있어 보여서 미치겠다..


Is this possible to do without the onion?

Shima X

Seems hard to cook but let’s give it a try

Spider-Verse Enjoyer

1:41, 2:31, 2:38, 3:55 and 5:46 had me burst out laughing I dont know if they are being serious or not


바삭하고 부드럽고 요즘 여름감자라서 더 고소하고
포슬포슬! 도넛을 더 맛있게 먹을수있네욯ㅎ


С точки зрения режиссуры видео оригинально задуманно!Люкс!


I tried it and it was perfect. it just takes a lot of time to do and it’s hard. Thank you 🙂

Sumaya Ahmed Vlog’s

Nice recipe

Angel Dark

Can’t wait to try these

Aaron Wise

Now that is a way to get my cousins to eat healthy


Those look amazing gotta do! My man would absolutely love these!

Sigrid Hunewinkel

Hi, my dear. That’s a very fantastic potato ring. ️️️Looks so delicious . You made your video so funny. Thanks a lot for sharing ️

Whar Nisbet

Does the onion cook really well? I love onion but not when I bite into it and it’s juicy and feels like biting into an apple.

3AMER 85

Looks delicious

Sabeena Abbas

So satisfying to watch

Sharmin Poly

Hi,i am from Bangladesh. I love your cooking vedio because its really so impressive

SamBiscuit 2637

1:10 “Poke potatoes gently.”

vigorously stabs at high speed


Позитивный ролик! Спасибо!)

Martha lucia Fernàndez

Deliciosas…. gracias.

Yan-Chan 燕茶

Can we make this without the starch?

Nadeeja Hettiarachchi

Love your videos!!! Thank u for your help️


Sorry, does anyone know if there will be a problem by not adding potato starch?


That splat sound whenever they throw something down on the board is so satisfying

mpule matengu

The video is honestly amazing thank you so much

queene .W


Vedika Nair

Sooo cheesy donuts I love it

Monifa 360



Una pregunta se puede poner otro tipo de queso? Es que en mk pais no venden el queso mozzarela


I really was expecting him to be like
S I K E and smash the egg family with a mallet


Love the animation and sound including the background music


That looks really good. New subscriber here


Hi, i am sara, i m a big fan, these are such nice and tasty revipes, i even triwd you grilled cheese and i loved it!


Poking the egg bubbles with those sounds, so cute, nanggigil ako


Any substitute for potato starch?

Анна Цветинская

ЗАМЕЧАТЕЛЬНЫЕ веселые и полезные ролики .СПАСИБО .. и да .мы не забываем похлопать.обожаю вашу лопатку стучалку


THIS one is a hit with my sons. replace old recipes with this innovative inspired one.


Nothing better than watching these videos on the middle of a 36 hour fast

Shimon Dhotekar

Mouth watering

Julie Pozzi

J’adore le bruitage qui accompagne la recette, ça m’a fait rire…

Anamika’s corner


Soup Soup

The mash potatoes spatula smacking made me laugh, thank you

Avalyn Heavenly

The sound effects! I love it!

Tofi Shoko

спасибо. Интересная идея.

Saran Vadrevu

Can we use any other substitute for egg

Pinks Kitchen

They look perfect. Well done my friend. TFS. Stay connected

Hira Khan




고구마로 응용해도 맛나겠어요~~

Samitha Ediriweera

That was so amazing. Thank you

nhu y Tan

I love your video ! I am smiling all the time. Thank you so much ️

Kian Darvish

I have no idea why this video recommend ed to me but I did enjoy a lot ️

Zyanya O’Neill

My boyfriend says Haru is a guy because guys enjoy slapping food and things. I think Haru is a gal because of the cute humour.

Arnav Srivastava

I am enjoying the asmr but then I’m enjoying the presentation of your video and that cheesy potato ring. Keep it up with your content.

jenny Castil C

Ahhhhhhhssshhhh que satisfactorio es verte Cosinar me encantas


Кушоть аж захотелось

Дина Шукарова

Посмотрела до конца нечего не успела прочитать но смотрела с улыбкой подняли настроение

Raj Chauhan

In india we call it mendu-vada… Without cheese ..and very popular dish in breakfast


looks like a lot of work, but well worth it!


It looks so tasty

world Tech channel

I like the sounds and when you slap the foods cool

Chris Brown

I can’t wait to try these.

Pavithra Sridhar

I love the fun factor in this video….listening to sounds

child crusher

Do I need potato starch or can I use a substitute


wow wow wow these look amazing made me hungry yummy.Great share

Mr TouchMeh

5!? That’s not enough for me

강 혜미

ㅎㅎㅎ 순간순간 표현으로 터는 모습이 잼있어요 ~^^꼭 해먹어 보고 싶네요~

Shivani Chhabra

Yes it’s very tasty I love this & I have made this it’s looks yummy and crispy thanks for the recipe I always enjoy this recipe with teas and juices from PLANET AYURVEDA


미쳤다 개맛있겠당

Darcy Cooking 다시쿠킹

I wanna try this!!

Nawang w.

Good jobs and look always delicious.. I can practise it anytimes….

Mili’s Kitchen – The Taste of Indian Cuisine

Superb yummy recipe

Shidae Tarot

the way he spank aggressively even when it was done


i love how you just smack the food so aggressively lmao

Alpi Marzi

Love the jazz! And looks delicious!!!


I want to try it with Jalapenos!

Ruby Blaze

I wouldn’t technically call them potato cheese donuts, I would call them potato cheesey onion rings.

Maria Cherkasova

Does the onion really get soft?

Cooking January

I’m getting stressed out and watching to much rubbish online and guess who calms me down and makes me feel warm and loved…. You do!! Delicious day.

Светлана Ашурова

Здравствуйте. Чем можно заменить сухари панировачные?

Atu Anugrah

Wooow I’ll make this for kids and hubby snacks!


it is ok to not use potato starch?


تبدو لذيذه
سأحاول تجربتها . عمل جيد

kamlesh agrawal

Can we make same without onion?

Orange Is My Favorite Color

Ahh I was hoping this recipe wouldn’t have onion. Oh well, still fun to watch though


테프론시트 필수템인가요? 그냥 도마 위에나 종이호일 깔고 하면 붙나요?

maria victoria morales zuarez

Que rico (⁠๑⁠♡⁠⌓⁠♡⁠๑⁠)


와~ 맛있겠다

Samet Samet

Süper oldu eline emeğine sağlık tebrikler

Gabriele Dominic

A maneira como ele ou ela bate na rosquinha me lembra a apertada frenética que damos no controle do videogame

Özlemin Tarif Defterinden

Perfect I will try it. Hello from Turkey


As this is, it’s more like potato and cheese onion rings than anything else. That saddens me as I am deathly allergic to onion. Since the onion is quite literally the core of the dish, I can’t even imagine something I could substitute. I guess I could use the rest of the recipe and mold the resulting mix as dumplings, sticks, or something like that, but without the infrastructure of the onion ring to hold it together I wouldn’t maintain the ring shape. Still worth trying I suppose.

Taous Benaissa

C’est très bon top du top chef

♡ cherryl ! ヅ

“Poke gently.”
Him: continues to poke AGRESSIVELY

Kitty Sennpiie

the beating of the mashed potatoes got me lmfao

Graciela Bravo

Usaria dois queijos e salsinha na batata ao invés da cebola.

Vallari Sharma

I know I’m not going to cook this, but just watching after doing my hw

Liliia Vas

Можна заменить моцареллу просто сыром?


Amazing recipe! , luckly for you that’s not Real Neapoletan mozzarella. real mozzarella is totally different lot of milk and liquid when you squeeze it, i suggest to use dry cheese to do these preps like the one in this video so the water coming out doesnt’ explode with hot oil during deep frying. If you can use some fresh cheese like mozzarella do like we do in Naples, the First Day we eat it normally alone/ aside the next day if there are some leftovers in the fridge you’ll see the mozzarella will be really dry and then usually we use it between two slices of bread, both breaded and deep fryed as a sandwich we call it “mozzarella in carrozza” “carriage mozzarella”

joanne johnston

I love your humor oh and your food I have tried several of them …yummy

Casey Coleman

It looks very good. I don’t like onions. Is there anything else I can use besides onions…….and can you make a video on that? Please and Thank you!!.

Arch Domster

i actually love how choppy the video is 🙂

Zixuan Phua

Yeah when you quit making the potato cheese rings halfway


I make these with tofu dipped into chickpea flour juice and breadcrumbs. Learned in India it’s vegan option if you don’t eat eggs and cheese.


God that looks good

bridget nye

Wow that was a great video thank you for sharing I’m definitely trying this out.

Arcane Moon

Does this works the same by boiling the potatoes in water???


This is like, HowToBasic if he actually cooked the food lol.


5:07 recuerden no tirar el aceite al lavabo, ya que contamina demasiada agua, lo mejor es guardarlo en una botellita y llevarlo a un centro de acopio

상식이 통하는세상

별로 좋아하지 않았던 미술시간인것 같아요.ㅋㅋ 아이들과 도전해봐야겠군요


Love the creativity ️


와..치즈만 빼고 먹고 싶다..

Merry Popppins



So this is how to basic’s other channel where he actually makes good food


I am learning how to cook like you and yes I beat the food alot nowadays

isabel sanchez

what a fantastic idea, thank you haru!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are a genius !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Harshika Tarone

Seeing Your Videos Brings A Quiet Fun!!!

El Jardin de Sofi

Que ricas las donas de papa que riquisimas

Rekha Dwivedi

Delicious!!!!! Any substitute for potato starch and eggs???

جودي احمد

WOW انهُ لذيذ حقاً!!🇮🇶

Dapur Biru

Yummy. Very tasty and delicious

Rio Joy Cruz

Thank you for the video. Will definitely try this

Jacks Animated

Slapping the potatoes with the spatula is key to having obedient potatoes

Yusuf Acar

Gel onu izmirde yap ne kadar harika bir sey


woww que delicia ya no sabe uno que hacer de comer buenos guisos con la papa ya vi los anteriores videos con papa gracias x compartir. buenos dias deade Acapulci,Gro. México

Jean Mourao

Noooo, why does it have onions??! I don’t really mind the taste, but I just can’t stand the sight of onions in my food… Great video, as always.


오랜만이에요 여전히 두드림의 고수시군요ㅋㅋㄱㅋㅋㅋ
아 배고프다….

Balinese foodie

Amazing , very nice and delicious Foods


Hi High!Excellent work! You can produce well. Good channel maintenance. oh btw, did you use any effect for that ending


Awesome recipe, i like this

Gurwinder Singh

Nice the way you done everything. Lovely!

Yaya G. Calderon

looks yummy

Rubina Sultana

He slaps the food for no reason, food torture! but I kinda like it though

Shaik Ruksana

Really love music and sounds its qute funny n egges was quite innovatively cute ️

Shah Vlogs

Yummy and tasty recipe
Mouth watering
Looks beautiful
Nice sharing️️️

Sade Alleyne

I wonder if I can get it to hold shape without the onion I really don’t like onions

Faith in 23

Such an entertaining video

Maryam’s DisH OutS

what a tasty recipe


“poke potatoes gently”

if that is gentle, i fear what rough poking would be . _ .

Janitha Revankar

My favorite ONIONS, POTATO, CHEESE All in one dish, and I am like


Loved it ! And the video! Thank you!

ネック ♡

Wow, wanna try this!!



KG’s Foodpedia

Well explained and great presentation..


1:11 살짝 찌른다는게 저런 건지 몰랐다

Jomas 4ever

Recipe looked good and the Benny Hill effect is very entertaining!

Daniel Goldhorn

“Poke the potatoes gently”

stabs the potatoes into mush

Silly Boy

Is potato starch necessary?

Mara hata

الأصوات المرافقة لعمل الدونت جميلة تشبه أفلام الكرتون
وطبعاً الوصفة محترمة


It says instead of flour but there’s flour and breadcrumbs ….. Still looks yummy af


4:53 This man is so poweful that he even achieved a slap sound when pouring the god damn oil

my penis has feelings

The other egg didnt really care if it got cracked, its still smiling.

Nesnes Basma

لذيذه طريق التحضير لك كانت رائعة تعجبني كثيرا


Are there any alternatives for microwave? I have no microwave


재밌게요리 ~~요리~!^^너무맛나고~귀여워요

kausar kaleem

Very yummy and very funny

Fred La Goldue

The way of filming in accelerated, with all those sounds, especially the slaps, made me think of the Benny Hill’s shows, and this is definitely a plus to this video.

Mariel Morales

I really have to try this

Boussaa Zakaria

Thnx for the laughter, we had a great time watching your videos

grace. . .

I wish I could have a potato cheese donut


That looks so good

Heather Contois

Any chance these can be air fryer cooked?

Cyndi An

I feel sorry for the potato mash. I laughed every time it got slapped. Kind of guilty pleasure.

Kremena Micheva

Best video ever! Thank you so much! <3


Simply amazing.

Friendly Snek

I dont know why, but this feels like a stop motion animation

John Doe

Не с сыром, а с крахмалом))

Aditya Jain

Can I use any vegetarian substitute for eggs?

يوَلانِـد .

جربتهاا كلشِ لذيذهه .

Mary Lee

I gotta try this for my son & friends.


Definately making this! Cheers for the share

Maverick CW

The egg shells escaped being crushed… Phew! Lucky egg shells!

mary freegirl

This feels like cooking mama but even more chaotic


” poke potatos gently ”
*literally impaling and mashing them up*


My life in 1 act: “Im crying because eggs will have a good life and weren’t shmashed”


감자랑 치즈는 진짜 사기탬임

Seema Rawat

Amazing recopies…I would love to cooks all these. While cooking regularly i am taking my fav Planet Ayurveda’s Arjun tea.


حركاته لطيفه

Nilda Hülya Derici

Very nice…well done and thanks

monira Baratbay

i really enjoyed the video especially the slapping parts lol

Sofiane Aridja

특히 제가 이탈리아 출신이고 팔로우 하기 때문에 재료를 써주셔서 정말 감사합니다.

Miriam Gomez

Thank you and God Bless you for sharing this recipe.

Виктор Сиволапов

а не проще пожарить картошку с луком и в конце добавить сыр?

Ingyinn Kyaw

Sub: Mozzarella cheese (Optional)
Me: It is a MUST!!!


The gentle slaps produced adorable sounds

Wonjae Yi

Maybe Dunkin’ Donets should make and sell these

َ𖡺 𝗱ٰٖ𝗮َِ𝗹𝗮َ 🦋

استمري يجنن مونتاج والاكل .


Your video is funny and very entertaining!


That looks like a neat portable gas stove too… What brand is it?

Josh Sarmiento

Crispy, soft and cheesy potato-cheese donut.

Indian Garden

Amazing! Greetings from India …️

Yogesh Tomar

Can anyone suggest me any alternative for eggs in this recipe ????

Shidae Tarot

this makes me happy in some type of way

Robert Perez

Do u dip these in marinara? Or ketchup?


I ate this on Rose tree restaurant. But I removed all onions.

Skabetti Studios

1:14 this part got me


갑자기 알고리즘에 떠서 지금 만들어봤는데 감자 고로케 맛 나구 맛있어요!!! 튀김은 처음 도전해본 건데 실패 안해서 구독해써여….!!! 저같은 똥손을 구제해쥬셔서 감사햡니다….️

Vinay kumar

looks like a worth trying dish really nice and really amazing thanks for sharing this amazing video i just love it but honestly with all the eating i also take care of my digestion and for my digestion i have planet ayurveda digesto plan

kikiki kio

은근히 웃겨 ㅎㅎㅎㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 최고

Hasime Bayraktar

Harika ellerinize saglik


Only if you wanted to make it gluten-free you’d have to use some other type of flour!


It looks so good but why do they have to be so unhealthy

Sarah Jean

Nailed the fast motion

نونه عثمان

Wow , it’s amazing.

Yue Chan

Lo voy a preparar!!!!!Gracias desde… Thanks from Mexico 🇲🇽

Just Fun

Me being a vegetarian : yay ! Let’s make this
Egg : hey ya
Me :

a r friedman

Very interesting. Never thought to do this.

Dan Cosmin

Mozzarella optional… no I don’t so, mozzarella is MANDATORY!!!

diana azerari


Abishek Rajan

Nice sound breaking the bubble from egg

Adam Szucs

cooking potato in the oven was so weird to see


이건 꼭 해먹어야지


Yum! Smack those spuds lol thoroughly enjoyed the vid, thanks

kent gladden

That looks stupid good. Labor-intensive for what it is. But still… wow.


맛있겠네요 저도 한번해봐야겠어요

Random Guy

When it says its Microwave Safe and they stick it in the oven…

colter james Calvetti

“Poke potatoes gently”

Dimka †

Очень интересно


einfach lecker 😀 Hab gerade hunger bekommen

Jose Raymundo Cruz Matadamas

1:39 2:35 5:41 5:51 Its very satisfactory️

YermiYah Ben Israel

Thanks for the video. I just made it for my wife & daughter. We loved it. Wish thar I could post a picture.

Bella 🌹

Very tasty

Jose Sandoval

So was that 15 slaps or 20? I don’t wanna mess it up!

Regina Leite

excellent videos with sense of humour 🙂

Adele Brown

This video was hilarious!!

jayesh Chindarkar

is there any idea i can do so that i dont need to use eggs?


I love it!

Cocino con mi hija Alcantara

So delicious and I want to make this


i played this on x2 and accidently became gordon ramsey, thanks!

Get mula

You guys should mix it up. Some of us are on keto and cant eat potatos

Eileen Mulhall

This is a great idea ! 🙂 But cheese?

Normal gamer

They look si delicous that I got so hungry

Silvana Quercini

le proverò, sono appetitose e pure “belle!”


“Poke the poatatos gently.”
also him:


I very much enjoyed “ The Tale of the Eggshells Forbidden Love”

The Smuggest

The sheer amount of malicious intent in those spanks are just hilarious

anvinis world

I love watching your videos . it is just like a movie

The Chrononaut’s Wifey {Dorothy}

Onion – optional
Cheese – never optional

Вкусная пенсия

Очень вкусные пончики. Лайк. Заходите и ко мне в гости

Brett Latulip

All the fast patting reminds me of Benny Hill.

Siddhant Vashishtha

“doctor, how do i fix my butt?”
“hmm… your glutes do look flat. how did this happen?”
“my husband kept slapping them”

Crafty Confections

My son will love this. Thank you!


Haru, you cracked those eggs’ skulls open and drained their insides. At best they’re living on a machine for the rest of their lives.


look so tasty


love the humour, the slapping, the cleanliness, the relaxing music & the delicious looking food lol. Although im vegan so I’ll try & find some alternatives for the eggs part but thank yo

Fine kitchen

Wow yummy amazing

Chare Qnah

The background music makes it more comforting

Mondo Bizarro

You are SO MUCH FUN!!! I enjoyed this video thuroughly!!


It’s amazing

Monsta Editz

Wow amazing

Маргарита Любимова

Лайк за юмор!!! Но лук там сырой…))

dey turang

delicious and very funny :))

fr0ggi3 (′▽`〃)

I wish I was ur child. i would be having FEASTS of delicious food

Funny Adda All Time

Wow, that’s awesome.I like all these combinations.The best.I always support your wonderful channel.I hope you’re always lucky~~~^&^


who else just likes watching cooking videos but doesnt actually make food

Pynz Mynsong

greg dobbin

pours potato starch out then adds potato starch…… im crying in irish at you right now

Maxina Jocelyn

The shape is awesome


진짜 맛있어보이는데 양파없이 만들 수 있는 방법은 없는걸까요ㅠㅜㅜ

♥نور الهدى الجزائرية♥

مممممم رائعة 🇩🇿

Pavithra Sridhar

One should enjoy cooking too…only then it’s stress free


onion rings with potatoes and mozza cheese?!?!??!?!???! what invention is this i must try it


Very creative!

invasor zim

Me encanta este canal

Yatharth Yadav

Best part is when starts slapping the food and continues to do it excessively.

Blair & Thea Geese

Wow I m making these tomorrow for sure thank you


Just found you. Really enjoyed the little extra theatrical lol.


Wow nice recipe ️ Lots of Love ️️️️️️️️️

Dork Anderson

Holy Jebus that looks .

Aashka Mishra

What other thing can we use beside eggs as I can’t eat eggs.


찌르는게 살살이 아닌데요..?

Plastered Spyro

This is literally How to Basic except he’s an actualy cook lol

Türk Ferman

Ellerinize emeklerinize sağlık Süper

Mango King

Wow,its so delicious.u r a best of try now..thank u.

Лилия Калинина





The supersonic slapping kills me everytime

whats wrong raima

man how come you manage to smash it in the bowl itself i can never


The only reason dor me to make these is to get payed. It seems like a lot of work for something than can be eaten fast. However, it looks amazing 🙂

william zapata

Jajaja qué cómico me hizo reír

Romeo Lachapelle

I can imagine Benny Hill cooking this way no problem.


Un poco más grandes los subtítulo y sería perfecto.




Editing: 10/10
Cooking: 10/10
Egg romance: 100/10


I’m trying this with jalapeños and making a hotdog shape…

Yadanar Moe Myint Phue Phue

Making potato cheese donuts is not difficult.

Siobhan Scofield

You had way too much fun making this


Nice way of cooking

Madhu Maniar

Family members, actually asked me, what was the noise all about?

Emma M

God you killed me I am in desperate need of food. But it’s currently 10pm, and I should stop eating but it’s so hard and I’m so hungry :p

Cooking Cloud

What an impressive show!


Loldude… The way u pat the potato.. So funny

big iron

bro what is this microwaveable bowl with the lid, I want that so badly I love making potatos but hate boiling them in a pot, it takes forever.

Kevin Zhu

can i do this through air fry?


고구마도 맛잇을듯.찹쌀가루는 안되나여ㅜㅜ

Tarun Chauhan

Thank you so much for this recipe, it’s a life savior for students out of India. Thanks to Planet Ayurveda.

Lezzetli Tarifler Kanalım

Patato and cheese harika ikili




I love this original sound than music

Leeann DC Davis

Gotta rewatch. The sounds made this comical, wasn’t paying attention.


언젠가 한번… 주걱으로 찰지게 때리는 장면만 모아주실 수 있나요

𝚓𝚗𝚘 ×፝֟͜×

شكراً لاضافة اللغة العربية ️

Лимонная девочка

Черт, почему я не умею так готовить 🙁

Dipesh Des

They live happily ever after. In his stomach.

food menu maker

This is a really great!

Jose Nava

que buen video


똥배를 잘라.. 내 배도 저리 평평해졌으면 ㅠㅠ 귀찮으면 그냥 퍼먹어도됩니다 ㅋㅋ 구독자들의 마음을 잘 아는 쿠킹님 ^^

Nick Poverman

This is not a donut. It is basically a glorified potato pancake with a whole in it.

Hany Talaat

Love it

Paola Esquea

well i love this channel

Divine Dragon

this guys seem not aweken his anger but surely he become HOW TO BASIC in no time

iron man

can we make it without eggs??

سارة وماريا

more than awesome

Lança Soluções

Perfect! 😉


Как готовить на плите сварить ?

anthony Falcon

Muy bueno lo voy a intentar


I made it and tried it I give it a 5 out of 10 it’s okay. They are okay. Honestly plain old onion rings are better. Thank you though.


In india south Indian and even north have this without egg but with chilles and curry leaves it called vada

Ольга Верина

Не люблю лук ни в каком виде.. надеялась здесь что сладкое будет((

Твой Сантехник

Мне кажется лук не прожарится.

zoe pabor

wow me encanto



mepicanloscocos 777

Esta información vale millones


ان تصوير جميل حقنا يدعو المشاهد لتجربه الاكله.. اهنئي المصور على تصويره لقد ابدع

जन उवाच: Jan Uvacha

perfect 10/10 performance

Riri Rihen

The way you make it is very amusing….️

عالم متنوع مع ام اسماعيل with umm Ismail

رائع مهدء للاعصاب ️

In The Kitchen

Amazing I love ur all potato recipe

Cooking with Seema Style

Yammy Yammy tasty recipe️️️


Thanks for legends in portuguese

Sunny Scott

Your recipes are great. I made one for lunch today and it was delicious.
And I didn’t even have to spank the food. It was very well behaved.
Thanks again for sharing your wonderful talents.
Best to you from Charlotte NC USA.

Sajad GG

The only people that they are really happy in the world are the cooks

Pinks Kitchen

So good my friend. TFS. Stay connected


Loved the fun video

Nga Hoàng Happy

tuyệt vời quá ạ ,nhìn rất hấp dẫn.. cám ơn bạn chia sẽ công thức nhé


Vimanika Shastra

Мороки конечно многовато, можно не в форме пончиков приготовить и без лука, тогда веселей

perth hometv

i just gave up eating oil and than i found this..nice one.. i do not eat egg as well..


Тот самый русский комментарий при инопричленцах

Edit Celebrity

Can I make bread crumbs?

Jane Reno



Watch this late night while high and think about all the artery flow you saved yourself.

Ar Man


그물코 틈

모두 좋은 아침과 좋은 오후
양파가 없는 길을 누가 알겠습니까?
시장에서 양파는 못찾았는데 맘에 안들어서 아시안

Serron Serron

Thank you very much for this awesome idea


I was all about it, until I realized these are basically fully loaded onion rings. Onion rings will never earn my love in any shape or form.

Jheny B.R 47


Fantastico! 🇬🇧️


당신은 멋있어요.


I know it’s sped up, but damn the violence in the potato peeling.

Mk V2

i’d definitely do marinara sauce over ketchup…

but i kinda hate ketchup so…..️


Hello, what are some kitchen items that you think would be usefull to get started in learning about cooking, such as the things you use that makes your life easier in the kitchen.

Kodhai Channel

Voww, mouth watering!!

Елена Ковалева

Не повар, а артист. Почти цирковое представление. И снова – БРАВО

Pedro Bermudes

i really need to use potato starch? i can use something else? or even do not use it?

Alya Ibrahimova

Какой нервный повар..

Juan Waite

Catherine Bevis

What if i hate the taste of onion … can I use something else?

يوميات أم أسامة

تبارك الله عليك الله يعطيك الصحة بالمزيد من التالق والعطاء

Otoi Victor

What if I used cheddar instead of mozarella


this is a lot of work!


Thank you for sharing, your video is very good, I love it. Nice to meet you. Wish you happiness and success in life


So yummy


감사 해요! 나는 당신의 비디오를 좋아합니다! 멋지고 재미있다!


Can anyone tell me wht can I use instead of eggs here?


너 진짜 너~~무 예쁘다

Darrell Ellis

They look very nice, it’s just too much work to prepare it…..

Kokoro Chacarero

Everybody gangsta until he starts quick slapping the oil

perceptions 1008

Wow. Well done. Blessings. Mumbai

Red LinE

бля красава я голоден спасибо
2 ч ночи


i live for the sounds of your slapping in your videos

Миша Благинин

Такое чувство, что ты не знаешь, какую роль играет мука

Pam’s Joy of Cooking



Лук внутри будет полувареный а это очень противно.

XxxDarkLoveXx x

how this is tastes good its from onion bruh but i like it thank you for donuts

Raynman Plays

This man either really does not like food or likes food a little too much.

Linet vinals

un trampantojo perfecto




1:19 sees spatula
Brain: “patpat about to happen! :)”
1:27 “why patpat didnt happen? :(”
1:28 “oh! its not over yet :)”
1:40 dream comes true! ^_^ “weeee!!!” ^_^


haru u got yourself a fan

Сергей Зацепин

Драники вкуснее


It’s literally my new as,r I’ll be listening to



Raven Aoki

I love the way you film the videos, but as far as the actual cooking of that went, that was one raw-ass onion in the middle by the end of it. You can even see at 6:11 where it was so raw you had to cut the take of you tearing the donut TWICE to cut the onion, then again when you remove it while you tear the other side. You can actually see right before the second cut the onion from the lower half being pulled out of its potato and cheese shell when you attempt to pull apart the two halves before cutting the take (and likely the other side of that onion) to make the shot (Nice cheese pull, though.)

I love the idea, but sadly I’m not sure there is any way to make this recipe this way while also cooking the onion proper inside, since there is so much thickness. I would say maybe pre-sweating the onion might help, but at the same time then you couldn’t use it for the structure of the donut and thus making the point of adding it pointless. I might suggest simply abandoning the onion all together. Potato-ey cheese rings sound tasty enough on their own merits, after all.


맛있겠다 나도 만들어지

سر الطبخة مع سماح

اللهم صلى وسلم على سيدنا محمد وعلى الة اجمعين ️

najia création




Legion Reaver

God bless whoever you are

Əfsanə kanal

Chunk Stanley

I’m getting HowToBasic vibes. Except real amazing food is being made instead of some cursed abomination. Thank you!

Cuba Libre



1:10 “Gently”
Proceeds to completely obliterate it


엄 청 맛있겠다 ..누가 좀 만들오 쥬ㅗㅅ으면

Reshma ki Recipe



Well we call this as Vada in south

Ngoc Nguyen

Mohammadali 10x

So good

Yaveen Beharr

Always remember: slap to get good donuts

KUDDEL Crashtests

What onions did you use?


I love how you slap the food

오로지맛있게 only good meal

포근함 인생 절정 영상


мне очень нравится

Beat Hard

I so wanted to cook it, until I saw egg in the ingredient
What would be the alternative of it here?

Kejterina Екатерина Малыхина

И калорийность выше чем с мукой..

Kadriye Buyuksezer

Thank you ️

🌙 Midnight Alpha Girl🌙

Is it just me, or are those… onion rings ?

Caffeine Fuelled

I see it is not just me that slaps food… just cause they can.

Shar Crisostimo

I don’t like onions. Can I still make this without it?

Mostafa Fazelinia

Like it

شاف روز لطبخ والحلويات Shaf Rose For Cooking

merci pour cette video

Hinata Chivaaree

Se ven tan ricos, pero no me gusta la cebolla? ;(



Marshmallow killer


Катя Кор


bake book

Step 1: Peel potatoes.
Me: already too much work lol


Omg imma make tomorrow and i will try

Fred Gabriel

So it’s basically an onion ring not a donut

Matt L

might try these in the air fryer


1:09 poke potatoes gently
smashes them to pieces

mpule matengu

The eggs are like SpongeBob the happy soul and squidward who’s always angry for some reason


I’d do all of this then proceed to burn my mouth eating them

aziz aydın

Very nice !!!


Howtobasic vibe right there lol

Giro Crock

So sad cuz I have onion allergy… what meal could be an alternative to onions? Thx


it looks easy i will try it

Vinish M

In India: this is called as vada it is a south Indian dish

pushpinder rana

I am feeling hungry

Marina Lucas

Wonder if this could be baked and not fried.

Dania Dania

مضحك ولذيذ

Babyface W.A

Nice should try it

Shafaq umair(its shafaq umair)



You use flour, don’t lie! It’s a donut made with flour and potatoes, High Carb!

Обо Всём

Жирно но наверное вкусно


So cool and AWESOME!!!

Zia Khan

Dude! You ate without me

Gabriella Sandymmas


Chupapaya Fruit

where i can find big onions?


heavily how to basic inspired but that’s what makes it hilarious.


Noooooo im stuck in delicious loop of YouTube and i can’t get oooouuuuutttt

Dingo escopolaminado

1:48 I understood that reference

Y@N€L ¥

Mili Tikhak


Awesome vid but this cheese looks nothing like real mozzarella ^^

oshadi pathirana

the way he cooks lmao!

HydratedPibu_ Bangtan

and they lived happy foreverrr- lmaooo

Arcane Moon

I dnt have potato starch will this work??

Ailweyi Mulaudzi

So satisfying

Helen Alfons

هو نشا البطاطس هو النشا العادية ؟؟؟

Hanna A J

Ayoo that eggshells are really cool.

Demi Gough

Screw onion rings, these need to be served everywhere!!!!

Moh Ak

Well done

Jane Desai

Very innovative


1:15 idk why I think this was cute lmao

prerna singh

Hey can we something else instead of eggs cus I am a vegetarian but I really wanna try it………so please can anyone tell me


“poke potatoes gently”

Knecht Ruprecht

Ich finde es absolut geil wie sie mein Essen verprügelt lol

Mariam Ijaz Food Secrets

Really amazing

Zunaira karim

@Ghost Rider@

I guess patting it is the key to success hahahaha

Soorya Narayan

5:50 0bserving this image , without watching the video completely, looks like VADA , which is a traditional food in South India . ( For some Indians like me )
– By a Keralite

kashi Blogger


S. Aara

Looking so easy… Bt actually not… Bt bt looking so yummy… Thnx….️

adam burdt

so.. Youre trying to tell me the onion cooks before the crust gets too brown?

Mariam Ijaz Food Secrets

It’s really entertaining



coSmo dwk


Emir Doğanay Eren

I would like to try but oil is very expensive in Turkey

Widad Kadfi



i love it when u slap ur meats lol


When the sound is



Aniruthan OS

Looks like Vada!

yasin hacıosman

Dışarıdan alınca daha ucuza geliyor

giovanna gamarra



what is that giant onion name ?

Makenzie May

See I was so excited for this than you put onions in it and I’m no longer excited…

Cook With Gimhani



Day Trade


It sure looks delish but a lot of work

Karindra Wegig

editing & sound effect remember me with “How to Basic”



Kaory San

نسمة Kook


Of canim cekti ya


Instead of flour
Uses flour

Cuboid kitchen

Presentation is sooper. Very nice

Mo Dakka Git Plugga

Asking for this at my favorite Irish pub


thats an onion ring with cheese, cant fool us

Jennifer Osorio

Que es fecula? ( está en los subtítulos en español). Disculpen mi ignorancia


All of thay fast patting make me feel like I’m watching how to basic but you are actually making something


уммм белорусские пончики:)

The Average Dud

What happened to the onion?

Валентина Бабчинская

2 % Дерьма

Моцарелла же в санкционке

FSX Flight Sim Pilot


Normal nişasta olur mu

Raquel Garcia

lmao love it

My Kitchen

ᴄᴀʟʟ ᴍᴇ ᴀɴɪᴋᴇᴛ

Actually I came here to laugh

Megha Raibole

So testy

ネネnene 🍰 SAKUMA

Good sounds.

Pai !


Beelagi Suresh

They look like udin Vada a Indian dish


Кто-то пробовал приготовить?


Wow very nice

Ален Витальевич Лазарь Осипов,

2:39 how do you slap so fast???

Miniature Cooking Classic

The video was fascinating

Miniature Cooking Classic

The video was fascinating

Nahar’s Cooking Corner

Yummy yummy


it’s brilliant

Regal Taste

great job done

Abie Fikry

I try to make it. I boiled the potato cause i don’t have oven n its failed i think. Too soft

tia 😀

i just laugh whenever he puts gloves on and theres this weird farty squelchy sound

Darren Tylor

Add ham to it and sunk it in gravy and you have a full meal…

Pedro Miguel Lozano Bellido

ta que tengo hambre para antojando tu
saludos desde PERU

clainstorm 88

5:43 new musical instrument to play with obsessiveness

Mir Sifat

He is having fun.


“potato instead of flour”… Continues to use flour aaaaahahahahahahahah

Marcela Parada

Los ingredientes podrian ser castellano porfi

Parween Ferdousi

~«ĸiм нyoиα»~

맙소사. 맛있어 보이지만 양파는 싫어

Suruchi Singh

Is this an asmr video️

Mervat Makram

عسل اوى … ممتع

شبكه العاب الاخوات

Can i add something but not potato scartch


Der Professor

wie heisst denn diese Panade? wir machen das ja immer mit Paniermehl, aber das ist doch was anderes?

Fluffy Moon

i was nearly asleep back when i was watching your vid collection, but then you like to smash thing like pa! pa! pa! pa! , and that woke me up and then i realised i was asleep in the middle of the vid lol

Rekha Mhatre

Mam your recepi yummy but please show with out egg


I hate onions

Is there any way to do this without an onion


I need the onion for coock it?


요리가 부치는거부터 돼가네요


This recipe really slaps, huh




My God…

I’m shy, please be nice to me.

Omfg im gonna gain the 50lbs I lost again


The well adjusted HowToBasic.

Aylin İrem AKGÜL

what if we dont have microwave?

x_بِنْتُ عِزٍّx__xوَمَا تِنْهَزُّ_x

woow amaizing this is verry cool
i lake it

Ma’ad Sama

Oh my God. Howtobasic has really infected the cookers community

Vikki Roonie

When i see a thumbnail, i thought it is “Medu Vada”

islam pyara deen


PowerSaturn 6120

Disclaimer, that isn’t cheese

Natalia beauty vlog

Mafaza Azura

Mantap jiwa

Shorts Cooking – Your Food Channel

This is a new recipe of potato cheese

حياتي صدامي

канали скитка

Салом апачоно хохарчоно мархамат кор дар Фаберлик марши нагз касеро даркорай номроша нависа танхо занхо бехтарин кор


Muy lindo todo pero cual es proposito de pegarle a todo gracias por la atencion dios te bendiga


حياتي صدامي

MariaConcepcion Santiago

Thank you.

nia Ramadani

I like potato,,


You said no flour in the title, but the recipe has flour in it. So it’s a little misleading. Which I can’t really eat so that sucks for me, I was looking forward to trying this.

Desi Chinese recipe

good recipe

lenny koss

Anime Lover

Can we use something else instead of eggs?
My Lil sis doesn’t likes eggs…


You are so fun.


Sou de navegantes-sc Brasil

Maryam Alizade

عالیه خیلی خوش مزه است به هوس افتادم مرکه

Chester Abellera

4:15 Dang it, brain…

مطبخى _ matba5e


Mary Ro.

Ban Bach


Hoa Pham

Ngon quá ah Mọi người ủng hộ mình với nhé



Chara #god

Egads I wish I could cook.

Haz wizZRblx

I thought I was watching how to make onion ring


Right now cooking oil it’s expensive as hell in Mexico so I skip on this


لماذا البطاطس الخاصه بكم بيضاء لون اما نحن لونها اصفر امر غريب

Krishnama Chary Prathapuram

The captions made me laugh

santiago Ardila Parra


Joao Pedro Lourenco Caldas atraente gentil

para de brincar com a casca do ovo seu maluco, fora isso, está muito gostosa a comida, parabens!

ümit tuna

Alkah razı olsun


Can I have some-

Adhish Yoyo

Otta vadai

Sol Abby3

Why do you keep hitting the food?


It’s so aggressive



The potato is so sticky i dont understand why it s so hard to apply it

Aziza Saidawi – مطبخ عزيزة صيداوي



him:enjoy asmr
me:oh s*** here we go again

Yan-Chan 燕茶

Oh wow nice!

Arte Comparte

I was playing Battlefront2 online and next i´m watching this video, i don´t know what the hell i´m doing with my life

Greentea 2557

Greate montage, thx for good evening c:

Celeste M. Y.



i love potatos

Be The Truth

so interesting ..

صالح الشاكي

Why don’t you write the recipe?

Timo Graalmann

Your thumpnail looks like a T-rex eating your Potatos

Hallo Lala

Hmmm cooking is funny

James Behan

Why does that fast tapping remind me of The Benny hill show? Lol

Hayder Seed


بهاء حلووم

Conner Poul

I do not think we got patient to do this dish

no se

Se parece picaron xd

Jalal Covers

j’aime le monstre de la spatule 🥹

devraj kale

It looks like mendu wada

hghg asdas

Is everything fried in Korea?


주걱으로 쳐대는거 왜이리 웃기나요 ㅋㅋㄱ

Gianni H

More like donut onion ring to me

Mo Mo



Cheese and onion filled french fry

Kiran Taxali

I must try this rcp.


lol boil them instead of microwaving


Can it be that the title automatically translates?

Jordan Nader

Have you ever slapped too much? Thanks for sharing!

Jasmine Himah6yy

Mm yummy

Adan Leyva

This looked really good but you lost me at the onion

Aya Pie

very nice

Arni Memfis

Irfan Ibru

this is verry verry speed cooking

Blue Rose

Там лук остался…

Robin Dela Cruz


Caua Rosato

Star S

Hahahahaha the sped up tapping made me lmao

Svetlana Nachmetdinova

Dzej Dzej

2:35 “how to basic” PTSD

Mayang Sari

Ha ha i like it

Waleed Aslam

Just boil the potatoes

Sai Tanishka



looks like how to basic but works


i really like your presents

Amir M

Watching this while sitting in the toilet


ok he really has an obsession with high-speed smacking and spanking food…. this is becoming a weird channel on the other hand food looks great

𝗘𝘃𝗲𝗿𝗺𝝾𝗿𝗲 ♬

Minecraft sounds. Plus an interesting process.

Bundle of joy

This is just medhu Vada in South India 😛

Adarsh Rawat

who else lauhged when they saw the egg


onion kills it for me


편의점에 감자갔다.

Ramin Haqverdiyev

MY Love poteto

Людмила Баннова

ام وليد

انا لمن بسوي دونات اخليها كانها بسكوت حجرررررر خلني ما اطبخ احسن لي


Mozzarella stick?


Я хочу кушать


3:50 이미 대가리가 깨졌는데 어떻게 삽니까 형님..


so cool


Neden vuruyorsun

Wiam Am


Jeongok Park

여긴 댓글이 전부 영어네요. ^^; 예전에 가끔 봤지만 절대 따라하지 않고 라면 끓여 먹고 맥도날드 먹다가 살이 쪄서 다이어트 중입니다. 가만히 있으면 비만될 것같아서요.. 유투브 보고 있으면 게임이 생각나요. 요리 게임 호텔 모바일 게임 다운 받아서 했어요. 게임에서 도너츠 그림이 아주 예뻤던 기억이 납니다.

oum sohayb

الله يبارك اضحكتنا


ഒഴുന്നുവടയാണ് എന്ന് വിചാരിച്ചു വന്ന le ഞൻ

SARO Abohalala

تعرفو ان الاكله الكوريه هادي خاطري فيها

Rekha Mhatre



I’m very hungry…………


I like your Chanel .

Komal Sah



its good like that


Bonjours jolie

Hikari Kagamine

Ole esa papa

Horácio Esperança

Pai grande papoite


Myra M

I want sooooome

Nicka Boom

This channel has my dogs name lol

nanette white

That’s not breadcrumb that is panko

Kassandra Marie

I think the slapping made me subscribe

Chrissy T.

Why so aggressive with the ingredients?

zoi tsakiridou



es mas facil comprar unos donuts pa’

Ramin Haqverdiyev

thank you

John Kwon

보기는 쉬워도 만들려면 귀찮어 그래서 이수시장을 기웃거려도 도넛츠 도자도 맛못봐

سبحان ربي العظيم

ashhad ‘an la ‘iilah ‘iilaa allah wa’ashhad ‘ana muhamad rasul allah️️️️

Pebo Parkinson

Super duper super super duper cool.

Siddhi and Samriddhi Vlogs

Time taking donuts

Super Kawaii Kittens

At first I thought NO FLOUR in these titles was for gluten free people but you are using bread crumbs still so…that was a lie?

Sara L


Mervat Makram


Mehrab’s mom



에구구.. 정신이 없어요ㅠㅠ

Emerson Rubens

No onions, I pass

Lyric Has Moxie

I just hate onions

Farjana Yasmin

But who eats flour, also know there is no hate to people who eat flour

Love ur Self



Dip it in some mayo man


How to basic origin story



Koko Nice

It’s so difficult


Benny Hill vibe intensifies

Jay Kunkle

For the love of God stop slapping them

Smsma 55fahd

الراجل دة بيضحكني



خديجة أم الأولاد





Agzim sulandi pendir olsaydi ederdime


4:33 you are crazy

Matt C

Title is misleading, the recipe still calls for flour.

Baby Loco


Kawaii Bingus

teh way you slapped tha patato

aviar densueño

….y después a descargar sacos de 70 kgs

Коко Шанель

Столько возни

Ikars Ūdrēns


Ikars Ūdrēns


Раиса Латыпова

С юмором



Banafshe Khadem


Rifdi pro

1:41 like how to basic hahahahah!!!

Naima’s Recipe


Marvin Bonilla

Homer likes this LOL

HaseeN ArT

உருகும் பனிப்பொருளே
உமிழ் நீருடன் கலந்து
இறைப்பைக்குள் இறங்கி
நெஞ்சை குளிர செய்தாய்
உனை ருசிப்பதற்கு முன்
நா எச்சில் குளமானது
நீ உருகுவதர்க்குமுன்
உருகினேன் உனை கண்டு……



peeNOE aka peaNEce ENT [Reload]

на превьюхе с малафьёй…

princxss_ charming

I don’t like onions :/

Jugnoo The Light


Yohaner Rannaghar


VrajYoga / Natyam Arts


Christopher Maier

4 hrs to make 4 donuts.

Mighty Seagoat

Doing it! Soon

Hatice Donat

I like

manoj chand

its a medu vada !!!


The egg looks like midorya

Генрих Вольф

оно мне надо в 12 чаcов ночи ????????????

Random Commentor

new HowToBasic on the blocK???

Youkiza Tilla



Ai làm phần dịch thuật vậy? Nhiều đoạn sai mắc cười ghê

Stem Uno


Dorian Dundee

wtf is doing with the potatoes xD


나는 그것을 좋아했고 밝혀졌다 음..,…이 리코 하하하

خالد الغامدي

{إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَمَلَائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ ۚ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وَسَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيمًا}

لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له، له الملك وله الحمد يحيي ويميت بيده الخير وهو على كل شيءٍ قدير

سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم



Азиза Азимовна

Тут русский есть.?

Rajranjit Singh

Grrtt love story,,, I really appreciate your work

Zaid Nazif

who else got the huusk add

gacha mars Bilgiç

Yeah im literally gonna cut my finger or burn the hpuse

Solange Caraballo


Conner Poul

I can tell must be Japanese they use to slap bang kick

Facundo Venegas

El tutorila deci sin horno

canada painter

funny it is,,,



Ayie del Rosario

무무슨 카메라 렌즈를 사용하는 거죠?

Kumar Bhavesh Sharma

Is that a Jojo reference

•Bloomy Weathers天気•

I wish you were my parent, cook me anything that is made out of potatoes and u will like you >:(

Ness Babic

Tomato sauce


bro use some flour not patato.


Donut fries


Hot oil and gas all over the place.


Мда, этими хлобками по голове лучше

PandaChannel 18th

4:15 easter egg


나도 먹어요

diego hernandez

so an onion ring

Jonathan C

Please dont waste it with ketchup.


There is no reason that you can’t narrate what you’re doing.

Mais Animado

Legal, mas NÃO joga a comida!

ชัยยุทธ สิงห์โต

Merry mas zranta

ليثو الحلبي! 🍁



you are funny!


Slow it down, sailor!

Neusa Alves dos Santos

Kkkklkkkkkkk BRASIL

Travis Johnson

I am screaming………….

Eshaan Sumesh

looks like a vada

Andy Hrp90

Jadi paper

Tadeu Campos

4:32 4:34

Vinay Hirawat

What is ASMR ?

Hana Che

Everything is asmr,,make nicely please don’t need too rough..




Achutha Prakash

Udina vade



bin chilling

Patricia Navarro

Hola haces el video gracioso


1:14 Haiyaa. Why you put salt in midol. Sprinkle salt, much betta for even distribution.

Matheus Barros

I came here for the spanking

YMI Bio Neet Academy

Please edit kaisey kartay ho

Project pluto

이거아래로 외국댓존


I don’t have a microwave


No microwave

Jugando con Toby y Lulú




Kevin Prabhu

isnt this vada

Kayvon Afshar

how braindead do you think people are that you need to remind them that they “can eat mashed potatoes with salt and pepper” if they want to?

Alwyn Nito


shewta chakraborty

방탄소년단 슈가 아 진짜 사나이 있다 오후 서울


You lost me at onion

miri zait

is there something i could use other than onion? picky eater.

Palanimanimozhi Palanimanimozhi

Try recipes


You have a serious problem with spanking everything you see

Tyler McBeath

How To..Basic?

Philipp Wenner

zu wenig käse

Valentín Abelleira

Give me a son


Een muzikale ode aan het kookrecept :


Korean How to Basic


Is rengoku there?

Barbara Stephens

To much playing with the dough!

A Tribe Called Judah

Porto’s, less frequently.

عبدالله الشهري

يولد كلهم اجانب


Nom nom nom

Chay Burke

Looked good up until onion. Yuck disaointer he dident say what else we can use other then onion

sarah2014 laidd


Alka Patil

Cheese medu wada

مريم الفرماوي

الفيديو فيه موسيقى والموسيقى حرام


Mendu vada hai ye

Kermit ketamine

Onion ruined it


славяне объеди няйткесь

sacide dengiz mükemmel


노빠꾸 채씨

현기증 나여 하

ممهدة {313}…….😩💓



я не уверен


you lovee potato do you


muy bueno tu video ghace nmas xifavcirç

David Robinson


Lucas Alu


Miguel meSA

Si uste vas a dar una receta asegueres ya q uste es mudo des q aun q sea puedas leer la receta crees o quizá estoy mal por que la receta es para aprender de uste o q lo vean asiendo algo


لحضه انت كوري


hruh.. it looks like a recipe from tasty. the channel, is this copied?

oh nvm my bad

Craig Young

That is blasphemy against good decent potatos

رشا العلي


Paul Olson

What is it with Asian people and onions man. Not everything needs an entire onion in it….

Sedat Demir


Shreeja Das

Who’s from 🇮🇳India




The righteous shall fluorish like the palm tree.
Reject unholy thought. Refuse the devil in your life. Receive Jesus Christ into your life and all will be well in Jesus name.


i thought no flour involved? u clearly used flour. bad video xP

Ava Yan


moona moona

Cut Pieces clothes:

Deutschland ist so Kaputt

Food from the Microwave?


음 난 ㅁㄹ


smack smack smack

Zayon Kiber

Yes sir

Sơn Nguyễn


Alex CZ

The whole presentation is so childish and cheesy, this is what the tiktok generation wants?
Looking down to comments…. yes, this is actually considered humorous. Amazing. I want to be a kid again.


تعذيب نفسي

Aadhya’s World

Put potatoes in cooker and save time and energy… What a time waste recipe

CARLS Senpai


Can I like you

Que Te

Haz olvidado un dato importante, dijiste de queso y papá, y lleva cebolla yo conozco gente que no le gusta la cebolla ni cocida ni cruda!


4:15 ayo?


Hai ഉഴുന്ന് വട

مصطفى النعيمي


مصطفى النعيمي

Uha uu

ChapStick 4 ya Coochie Lips™️



Hai Vada

Ojul ihşk


jazita 🐭


Anderson Silva

Pura pornografia gastronomica

Ramiro Sidewalk

Maestro no se juega con la comida 4 años tenes

مصطفى النعيمي


Hillary Sudeikis

하나님은 당신을 사랑하십니다. 당신이 죄 가운데 살고 있다면 기꺼이 회개하고 죄를 짓지 않는다면 그분은 당신을 거부하지 않으실 것입니다. 당신이 해야 할 일은 주 예수 그리스도의 참 하나님의 용서가 필요한 죄인임을 인정하는 것뿐입니다. 진심으로 용서를 구한다면 그분은 여러분을 용서하고 인도하실 것입니다. 전능하신 주 예수 그리스도의 이름으로 말씀드립니다. 아멘. 죄는 지옥으로 이어진다는 것을 기억하세요. 유명인이나 사랑하는 사람을 우상화하지 마십시오. 주 예수 그리스도를 신령과 진정으로 예배하라! 로마 카톨릭은 지옥에서 온 거짓말입니다. 그것을 믿지도 말고 성경에 어긋나는 것에도 집착하지 마십시오. 출애굽기 20:4에서는 절할 우상을 만들지 말라고 합니다!

유명인, 음악, 영화, 텔레비전, 다른 형태의 오락을 숭배하지 않고 오직 주 예수 그리스도께만 초점을 맞추십시오. 그는 결혼, 돈, 파티, 동성애 및 오락 이외의 섹스보다 삶에 더 많은 것이 있다고 약속합니다. 지옥은 실재하고, 당신의 죄를 회개하고, 당신의 죄를 고백하고, 하나님께 용서를 구하십시오. 복음을 믿지 않는 사람들은 심판날에 크게, 불쾌하게 놀랄 것입니다. 지옥은 매우 뜨거운 사람들, 회개하십시오! 전능하신 주 예수 그리스도의 이름으로!

이슬람교, 천주교, 불교, 힌두교, 산타클로스교, 유교, 할로윈교, 해리 포터교, 인종차별주의, 도널드 트럼프주의, 조 바이든교, 허영심, 교만 및 기타 비기독교 종교와 우상은 지옥으로 인도함, 공인을 믿지 않음, 믿음 주 예수 그리스도를 낳은 전능하신 하나님. 신은 생물학적 아들을 낳기 위해 여자가 필요하지 않습니다. 그분은 신이십니다. 나는 무엇이든 하실 수 있는 하나님, 여자 없이 아들을 낳을 수 있는 무한한 능력을 가지신 하나님을 믿기로 선택합니다.

Bernadinho Barbosa

Eu e caliandra

Sasu’s Frequency Channel

Eeeeeeeeee cooking inside microwave. Your body must dislike you

Marcos Roney

Vc está copiando a massa da coxinha brasileira.





Monika Lo

CT de



Kevin W

Not healthy in any form.



Alka Jawale


bhadel shreeyen


Anormal Jojo character

Rengoku kayjiro

Valentina Cardile

Che schifo la “mozzarella cheese”:ho smesso di seguire il video a quel punto.

Ichigo Kurosaki

the excessive spanking, shaking, etc. is annoying. u could get more views when u stap that annoyance

John cena

Spread the gospel before it’s to late jeuse is the son of god jeuse is are lord and surrivor jeuse is coming back really soon becme a chirtsan befre it’s to late jeuse love you jeuse died for are sins

Michael Ra

Фу вкус вареного лука самый противный.

Rose Hernandez

Weird video!!!!!!!

Charli Smith

W I Am A Half Years Old At All Times I Am So I Am A Half Years Old At All Times I Am So I Am A Half Years Old At All Times I Am So I Am A Half Years Old At All Times I Am So I Am A Half Years of age in the same things that I have to work with a small group of people who have been involved with the project and have a half to the game for the future of your


The editing in this video was excessively annoying. I will not be watching any more from this channel.

Gabriel Oliveira

n gostei



Ayo flowers jkr329 1

за лук дизлайк!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Ohoho

ja jakos ich nie lubie



Данила Востротин

Justine Dieudonne

Je n’aime pas tas vudeo

Justine Dieudonne

Je n’aime pas tas vudeo

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