O que eu comi em uma semana / Receitas coreanas fáceis de fazer

Olá. Eu sou Honeyjubu. 😊💖

Hoje, preparei um vídeo de refeições caseiras que comi por uma semana. 🥘🍲
Você pode comer comida coreana saudável e deliciosa, fácil de preparar.

🌿 Fazendo Molho de Soja Salmão Marinado
1. Molho: 3 xícaras de água, 150ml de molho de soja, 1+ 1 / 2T de açúcar, 1+ 1 / 2T de xarope de amido, 2T de atum líquido
(Assim que o molho ferver, desligue o fogo e deixe esfriar completamente.)
2. Prepare o salmão, adicione o molho e coma dentro de 2-3 dias, enquanto refrigerado.

🌿 Fazendo Lula Picante Frita
1. Temperos: 1T de açúcar, 1 / 2T de alho, 1T de vinho de cozinha, 2T de molho de soja, 2T de pimenta vermelha em pó, 1T de pasta de pimenta vermelha
2. Frite os vegetais primeiro, depois acrescente as lulas e os temperos e, em seguida, frite rapidamente.
(Se você fritar por muito tempo, a lula fica dura.)

🌿 tofu cozido
1. Remova a água do tofu.
2. Frite os legumes primeiro.
3. Adicione o tofu e os temperos e frite.
Temperos: molho de soja 2T, açúcar 1T, pimenta vermelha 2T em pó, 1/3 xícara de água, um pouco de gergelim
(Se você não gosta de picante, pode ajustar o pó de pimenta vermelha.)

🧂 Ajuste o tempero da receita caseira de acordo com o seu gosto.

Então, por favor, aproveite para assistir ao vídeo caseiro hoje também ~ 😊💖
Gostos e assinaturas são uma grande ajuda. 🙏🙏🙏

🎵 bgm

🧁 instagram : https://www.instagram.com/honeyjubu/
🧁 Business mail : riaearin@gmail.com
🧁 Editing program : Adobe Premiere Pro
🧁 Camera Information : Sony6400
🧁 Music : https://artlist.io/Honeyjubu-941123

Source: 꿀주부 Honeyjubu


اليوم هو يوم التسوق في كوستكو. كوستكو شاين مسقط جيد حقًا. أنا أيضا اشتريت الفطائر. تأكد من تجربة Bundaberg Pink Grapefruit. هذه هي الوجبة الخفيفة المفضلة لوسي. 😘. نايم الخامس رئيس يسلم كفك منعطف أو دور

أحسنت صنعًا 🥰 اليوم ، أعددت طبق أرز سهل التحضير. أذهب إلى كوستكو في الصباح الباكر. أقوم بإعداد وجبة غداء لذيذة لزوجي الجائع. أصنع سمك السلمون الساشيمي والسلمون في صلصة الصويا مع سمك السلمون كوستكو. رشي القليل من نبيذ الطبخ والملح الخشن واتركيه في درجة حرارة الغرفة لمدة 20 دقيقة. رشي بعض نبيذ الطهي على السلمون ، اغسليها وقطعيها إلى قطع صغيرة. اغسل السلمون في ماء نظيف. أزل الماء يمكن تناول سمك السلمون الساشيمي لمدة 2-3 أيام إذا تم تخزينه في الثلاجة. صلصة الصويا صلصة السلمون. 3 أكواب ماء ، 150 مل صلصة صويا ، 1+ 1 / 2T سكر ، 1+ 1 / 2T شراب نشا ، 2T عصير تونة.

يُضاف الليمون والبصل والفلفل الأحمر إلى سمك السلمون المتبل بصلصة الصويا. عندما تبرد الصلصة تمامًا ، اسكبيها فوق السلمون. سآكل سمك السلمون في صلصة الصويا غدا ، وقائمة غداء اليوم عبارة عن حبار مقلي حار. دعونا نتقابل مع صلصة الصويا سمك السلمون على الغداء غدا. 🤗 اغسل الحبار جيدًا بعد إزالة الأمعاء والعينين. يمكنك صنع شكل حبار جميل باستخدام سكين التقوقع. للحبار المقلي الحار ، 1 طن من السكر ، 1/2 طن من الثوم ، 1 طن من نبيذ الطبخ ، 2 طن من صلصة الصويا ، 2 طن من مسحوق الفلفل الأحمر ، 1 طن من معجون الفلفل الأحمر. يصبح الحبار قاسيًا إذا قمت بقليه لفترة طويلة ، لذا اقليه بسرعة. نرش بالبصل الأخضر وبذور السمسم لجعلها لذيذة أكثر. كان أحد المشتركين فضوليًا بشأن Passion Fruit Chung. ينظف بسائل غسيل الفاكهة.

فاكهة العاطفة تشونغ هي حقا حلوة وحامضة. فاكهة العاطفة هي ألذ أكل في الصيف. اخلطي العصير والسكر 1: 1. اتركيه في درجة حرارة الغرفة حتى يذوب السكر تمامًا. يتم تقطيع الجلود وتجفيفها لتشرب مثل الشاي. سأجففها جيدًا وأجهزها لتناول الشاي في المرة القادمة.🤗 عند تعقيم قنينة زجاجية ، ضع قطعة قماشية فيها ولن تنكسر. غداء اليوم عبارة عن سمك السلمون المعتق في صلصة الصويا. يرش الكثير من الصلصة مع الخضار الطازجة. طعم سمك السلمون المطاطي هو الأفضل. 🥰 كان يوما حارا فذوب السكر بسرعة. تكون الرائحة الحلوة أقوى بإضافة الخضار مع فاكهة العاطفة الطازجة.

اتركه في درجة حرارة الغرفة ليوم آخر ثم ضعه في الثلاجة. غداء اليوم هو أرز الأفوكادو كود رو. أزل جلد بطارخ سمك القد. بطارخ سمك القد المملح مالح ، لذلك لا حاجة إلى توابل أخرى. نرش القليل من الفلفل على صفار البيض الطازج. يجب إضافة زيت السمسم لجعله ألذ.🤗 فاكهة العاطفة هي الأكثر لذة للشرب مع المياه الغازية الباردة. إنه سهل وبسيط ، لذا جربه. غداء اليوم حساء التوفو حار. للتوابل ، 2 طن من صلصة الصويا ، 1 طن من السكر ، 2 طن من مسحوق الفلفل الأحمر ، 1/3 كوب ماء ، وقليل من السمسم. عندما تنضج الخضار إلى حد ما ، أضف التوفو. يتناسب شاي التفاح والنعناع بشكل جيد مع الطعام الحار.

كيف كانت الوجبة المنزلية سهلة التحضير التي أعددتها اليوم؟ شكرا جزيلا على المشاهدة حتى النهاية ~ 😊💖

827 Comentários:


i love everything about your videos! your house decor, your editing, how relaxing it is, everything is so nice to watch. thank you!


I couldn’t dream of eating squid because I live in a land-locked state, so any seafood we get here has been frozen beyond recognition or has been caught freshwater. But your squid dish looks delicious!

Kas Ban

I watch these videos as meditation. I’m currently crocheting onesies for my twins that will be born this September, and these videos help me keep a calm energy for my growing babies ️ thank you!

Mirela Guedes

Estou amando seu canal…fico pensando nas diferenças culturais: enquanto cozinhamos tudo, vocês comem a maioria dos alimentos de forma crua! Suas receitas são lindas de se ver, coloridas…ver seus vídeos me traz paz!

Оксана Лонщакова

Мне нравится, как вы готовите еду. Выглядит очень вкусно ️

Natalia Novikova

Спасибо за видео и особенно за рецепты под видео! Пожалуйста , оставляйте как можно больше рецептов, очень хочется научиться готовить вашу национальную еду

Stefanie V

I have just discovered your channel and I love you aesthetics! Thank you for sharing these recipes. I’d love to hear more about the ‘side’ dishes you make if you want to share. Your kitchen tools and Ikea videos have really inspired me!


and i LOVE how you grow your own herbs!! i hope to be able to do this once I get a home

Júlia Viana

Amo seus vídeos e adoro ver como há tantas coisas diferentes por aí, alguns utensílios e a comida… Eu não consigo deixar de achar estranho o salmão cru ou o arroz sem refogado, por aqui sempre colocamos várias verduras quando estamos preparando o arroz.

Natalya Sakenova

Получаю огромное удовольствие от просмотра ваших видео! Какое разнообразие продуктов, какая чистота и ваша прекрасная Люси! Счастья вам и здоровья! Вы дарите нам позитив и хорошее настроение, и мотивацию следовать вашим советам!


I love this channel so much I watch these videos to help calm my anxiety and find new dishes to make for me and my family . I truly appreciate all the hard work you put into your channel

Thalita Correia

Parabéns pelo belo canal!! Estou gostando de acompanhar, as receitas parecem práticas, algumas adaptei aqui em casa e a família aprovou rsrs. Obrigado!! Você é inspiração. Sobre a polpa do maracujá, poderia mostrar mais opção de bebidas e suas receitas? 🇧🇷

alisa mamaeva

Omgosh how could you resist one whole day before eating that delish salmon this is one of my fav videos of yours, all dishes are so yummy. Thanks for your channel, Honey, it makes me want to maintain a cute and cozy household, and cook a lot.

Светлана Георгиевна С

До чего же все это эстетично и восхитительно!!!

the Djarambah

I love Korean food!
And the way you preparing the dishes was really aesthetic and relaxing. The clay pot that you used to cook the rice is very interesting. I guess it makes the taste of the rice even better than when we cook it in the modern way

Orquidea Jimenez

Me encantan sus videos los veo y automáticamente me relajo, transmite mucha paz , gracias por subirlos

Gladys Corzo sanchez

Me gustan todos tus videos.
Eres sencilla y sofisticada. Justo con el toque que le das a tu casa y comidas
Me encanta como presentan la mesa.
Podrias tal vez enseñarnos como hacer los acompañamientos o guarniciones que estan en los platitos pequeños.
Aqui en Peru tenemos una fruta similar que se llama maracuta pero con cascara amarilla.
Ya que vives en el campo podrías sembrarlas. Es muy facil con las pepas.
Tambien la consumo con azúcar a veces o licuo con agua hervida y sale un rico refresco
Pero probare la manera que la preparaste.
Asi como el te. Muy original.
Muchas gracias por cada detalle. Lo valoro muchisimo
Un abrazo sin final
Tambien me encanto como entrenas a tu perrito

maria victoria aguilar canales

adoro tus videos y te agradezco que pongas subtítulos al español

Nadene May Llanes

I love everything in this video. Also the kitchen ware you used to cook rice. Watching your videos makes me really want to learn Korean dishes. I am happy that I am watching videos like yours. All the best for you and your little family.

Marina Gergi

Очень нравится наблюдать как вы готовите. Очень аппетитно

Лиля Сухоручко

Как всё гармонично, красиво, спокойно, при том что едят такие не малые порции, а худые, а чистота безупречная

Debora Pardini Lo Turco

Olá Honeyjubu! Sou do Brasil, assisti um vídeo seu de como diminuir os descartáveis. Me apaixonei por seus vídeos! Eles me relaxam e me dão ânimo. Vou tentar adaptar as suas receitas pra fazer aqui casa, parecem deliciosas.

Felicidades para você e sua família


Pięknie przygotowywane produkty do potraw.
To lekcje dla nas w estetyce przygotowywania jedzenia.

Ana lucia Vieira

Sou do Brasil adoro suas dicas e seu cachorrinho .. e seus utensílios de madeira gostaria de ver seu rosto deve ser muito simpática

Paulo Pacelli Filizola Torres

Lindo video, ver outra cultura, seus hábitos alimentares e de rotina é encantador

Lilibeth Burgos Ribeiro

Hola, soy de Perú, me encanta tus videos, son tan llenos de buenas energías y sobre todo las recetas se ven deliciosas, siempre me abre el apetito ️

Margarita Courtois

Me encanta todo lo qué haces, realmente eres una inspiración ️

laurence souguenet

Bonjour, un grand Merci pour le sentiment de bonheur que vous m’apportez !
J’aime tout ce que vous présentez avec grâce et discrétion, votre lieu de vie, la nature environnante, et le soin que vous apportez à votre maison, vos plats cuisinés. Je ressens du calme et la sérénité jusqu’à vous écouter la nuit en entendant les petits bruits de votre travail.
Je vous souhaite une belle vie, à vous et votre famille, pour nous laisser partager ces moments.

Hello, a big thank you for the feeling of happiness you bring me! I like everything you present with grace and discretion, your place of life, the surrounding nature, and the care you bring to your home, your cooked meals. I feel calm and serenity while listening to you at night because I’m hearing the little noises of your work. I wish you and your family a good life for letting us share these moments.

Hola, muchas gracias por la sensación de felicidad que me traes! Me gusta todo lo que presentas con gracia y discreción, tu lugar de vida, la naturaleza que te rodea y el cuidado que llevas a tu hogar, tus comidas cocinadas. Siento calma y serenidad hasta escucharte por la noche mientras escucho los pequeños ruidos de tu trabajo. Les deseo a usted y a su familia una buena vida por dejarnos compartir estos momentos.

안녕하세요, 당신이 나에게 가져다주는 행복감을 주셔서 대단히 감사합니다! 나는 당신이 우아하고 신중하게 제시하는 모든 것, 당신의 삶의 장소, 주변 자연, 당신이 집에 가져오는 배려, 요리된 식사를 좋아합니다. 나는 밤에 당신의 작업의 작은 소음을 들으며 당신의 말을 들을 때까지 고요함과 고요함을 느낍니다. 이 순간을 함께 할 수 있도록 귀하와 귀하의 가족이 좋은 삶을 살기를 바랍니다.

Елена Коропенко

Невероятно аппетитно ! Спасибо за видео !

Zina Burlacu

Какая вы умница, действительно питайтесь правильно
Вы счасливы ,что имейте эту возможность покупать здоровую пищу
В нашей стране кушают больше мяса, больше кондитерских изделий .Если покупать морские продукты, у нас очень дорого.Дай Бог вам здоровье и вашей семье.

Yumi Vilela

Siempre me he preguntado el sabor del tofu, ver el estofado de tofu picante me hace pensar lo delicioso que es, combinado con la salsa roja.


I love all your cookware & kitchenware, especially the Korean things (the rice cooker pot thingee?). Watching you cook relaxes me but also makes me hungry. Such yummy food & meals, makes me love korean food even more, much live from New Zealand 🇳🇿

Иннеса Ли

Как всё эстетично и красиво! Смотреть и наблюдать за вами одно удовольствие и наслаждение для глаз и души! Браво!

Arte e renovação.

Gostei muito do seus vídeos é exemplo de mulher e mãe!

Karin Brigitte

Seus vídeos são fascinantes: ao mesmo tempo em que aprendo novas formas de cozinhar, sinto uma paz muito agradável enquanto assisto o vídeo.

Марина Кожевина

Боже! Это просто релакс!! Наслаждение для глаз))


Me gusta la paz que tienes en casa.Tus comidas y hasta tu perro.Gracias


어쩜 이리 단정하고 깔끔하게 요리를 .. 감탄만 나오네요

Anyta LIVE

Где у нас купить такие великолепные продукты? Даже через экран видно, что они невероятно свежие и вкусные и необычные!
Прекрасный канал, не хочется думать, что это актеры и студия…

Галина Николаева

Да, не только безупречная чистота, красота и вкуснятина, но и приятное музыкальное сопровождение

Pablo Reiser

If you bottle the marmalade right after sterilizing the jars and then let them cool upside down you will get a vacuum sealing effect, and you can effectively store your contents longer. Works best with Metal lids but I’m sure you get it too with these glass lids.

katia cristina de oliveira

Eu fiz macarrão parafuso com molho de sardinha em conserva, alho e cebola refogados, cenoura ralada e tomates picadinhos, sal , pimenta em pó e orégano com molho de tomate e ervilhas. Ficou uma delícia, meu esposo gostou.

Elizane Fernandes

Olá!!! Estou amando seus vídeos, já assisti vários estou maratonando seus vídeos
É relaxante e prazeroso de ver um lar sendo bem cuidado, um lar aconchegante e cheio de vida, sua casa é linda faz um tour pela sua casa pra mostrar pra gente. Já inscrita, fica com Deus

Maria LS

The aesthetics, editing and content of your videos is the best on YouTube!! I am sure you will have millions of subscribers in no time

Suellen Pereira

Bela comida
Bela casa
Belo vídeo

Rocio Tupac Yupanqui

Hacer las cosas con tanta dedicación y amor hablan mucho de cuan especial eres, exelente te felicito saludos desde Venezuela ️


Wow your videos are so comforting, relaxing and informative! I feel very inspired by your recipes!

Indiana Guerrero

La passion fruit en mi país es color amarilla por fuera , pero se ve igual por dentro y se usa mucho para elaborar refresco

Нина Рукобратская

Нет слов для восхищения, спасибо////

Marie Flora

Tudo muito lindo

Liana Bravobien

Se ve delicioso, ya me dio hambre

Людмила Тимошенко

У Вас видео прям эстетическое наслаждение,картинка прям нереальная. Вдохновения!!!!

Ана Кург

Очень эстетично! Спасибо, было интересно!


watching this gave me calm. it’s hard to say i’d eat anyone’s food too bc i’m never sure how they prepare it at home, esp w pets around. but you certainly have given me thought about that! i like how you use sustainable materials for cooking eg no paper towels and pot placers after the stove for minimal clean up, meaning minimal water use

Василина Борисова

Ваше видео вдохновило на приготовление вкусного ужина

Andrea Ortega

Soy de México 🇲🇽 y me encantan tus videos! Los veo siempre

Divya Shree

Can you create a separate playlist for full cooking tutorial as you have viewers all over the world so that we can also try different cuisines.

Gloria Rosas

Cuánta paz siento viendo estos videos.

Svetlana svetlay

Очень люблю вас смотреть)))) а ваша Люси просто прелесть

Homemade with Fatima

Honeyjubu what a beautiful way to cook I love your dishes! Your Costco have some amazing products. Your videos are so relaxing! Thank you for sharing such good inspirations!

Rachelle Lamoureux

Your cutlery and kitchen ustensils are amazing,love all of them

Jaisy Petric

These videos help me live. Thank you for taking so much time to create such beautiful content.

Natalia Lobza

Очень эстетично!))

Lahari Lahari

I love the way you cook and that clean home makes me happy so much

Missy Kim

Your videos are so soothing and informative. Lovely to watch!

Баян Кушумбаева

Как аппетитно…слюньки текут

Olinda Nobre

Você é maravilhosa🇧🇷🇧🇷


Will definitely try all the recipes you have for us today!! Thank you for thissss!

Айнур Шо

Большие порцы,но без хлеба так аппетитно готовите хочу научиться приготовить корейские блюда


Hello, you have a lot of Brazilian fans. Have you ever tried our culinary? I love your videos, they’re very peaceful, your kitchen pans and utensils are so beautiful! I love the glass, wood and iron aesthetic. I’ll be sure to try some of your recipes.


Please could you list the cooking appliances you use? I’m amazed by your cooking skills and also all the utensils you use. Never seen anything like them before! Thanks

Izabela Soares

Aí que top,amei demais o vídeo️

Nilufer Senyuva

Loved all your dishes you cooked in this video. You make cooking so very nice, simple and very very classy. 🙂


Please keep uploading more recipes i love them!

Mariafer Medrano

Hola soy de argentina y me gusta mucho las recetas que haces. Podrías decirme que tipo de arroz usas? Y cuál es la proporción de agua que usas para cocinarlo. Gracias.

Helen Go

Так вкусно..и так эстетично…мое вам восхищение )

Christie Fernandez

I love your videos – so relaxing and inspiring


이야~ 이런 집밥은 돈 주고도 못 사먹을 것 같은데요?!! 정성이 가득한 따뜻한 집밥!! 게다가 채소도 듬뿍 들어간 건강한 식단이네요~ 이참에 저도 집밥 도전!! 오늘 요리하러 갑니당~~

Len Sin

Ммм…какой свежий и аппетитный лосось! Хорошие и полезные продукты!


I’ve enjoyed watching everything in this video! I’ve never seen passion fruit skins dried for tea. We have them here in the tropics. The skins are mostly green/yellow and we discard them .

Natalia Marcal

Olá sou do Brasil! Adoro assistir seus vídeos! Você é uma pessoa iluminada! Grata por compartilhar seus vídeos! É uma inspiração para mim️

dota 1 warcrafe ot Den1

Умница молодец дай бог тебе здоровья и семейного благополучия. Благодарю


Me encanta la comida coreana, gracias por compartir para aprender sobre su linda forma de comer y gracias por el subtítulo en español un abrazo desde República Dominicana, una pregunta dónde puedo conseguir la olla de cocinar el arroz por favor, gracias.


lo simple que es comer sano.


Hola Honeyjubu…muchas gracias ,súper interesante tus recetas y nunca me hubiera imaginado secar la cáscara del maracuya , así lo conocemos en mi país …aprendo mucho de ti , cuídate y muchas gracias.️


Another video to love! Thank you for sharing all the ways you cook and clean. I also love your pots, and spoons. Everything comes out perfect! The way you cut your avocado and peel the skin off, I’ll have to try that. I usually scoop out the avocado! I learned something new. Your dog is so cute too. Thank you again, have a good weekend from Georgia, USA!

Yuna Mi

Я не ем мясо, сегодняшние рецепты мне очень понравились , буду пробовать сама ️


La fruta morada en mi país “Perú” se llama maracuya y no sabía que existía ese color pense que sólo era de color amarillo increíble

Indiana Guerrero

Salmón nunca lo he comido crudo , pero tus recetas se ven muy ricas

Jessica Aisyah

I abseloutely LOVE watching your videos, always makes me want to cook and eat and i love to do both am curious where you get your kitchen ware? Your house is super neat and organised ️


따님이 너무 부러워여~ 저도 우리아이에게 건강하고 맛있는 밥상을 선물해주고 싶어지네용 🙂

영스 살롱

꿀주부님~ 어느덧 대형 유투버로써 성장하셨네요~ 늘 한결같은 콘텐츠와 고퀄 영상미, 꿀팁 정보를 제공해주시고, 꾸준히 수익금도 기부해주시고…정말 많은 유투버 분들이 배워야할 본보기가 아닌가 하네요~
백만..천만 유투버 될때까지 화이팅입니다.
늘 응원합니다~

Vale das Brumas

Amo tanto Lula picante tudo parece delicioso!

Issam Schönamsgruber

Du deine Familie deine Kochvideos so toll ️️️️️ mach weiter so mit deiner positiven energy we need you

Наталья Локтионова

Смотрю не отрываясь

Nadezhda Lasto4kina

Такие простые, но аппетитные блюда спасибо

Cachi De los santos

Hola vivo en angola era una persona que realizaba mis tareas domésticas de manera mecánica
Desde que vi tu primer video
La vida me cambió
Ahora pongo música y amo mi tarea de ama de casa

nena Rguez

Gracias por compartir sus recetas con todas las personas que la seguimos en la distancia. Se ven deliciosas . Y una petición .., nos podría enseñar su forma de hacer el arroz?. Muchas gracias y bendiciones por sus enseñanzas

Вера Мосягина

Вкусно очень.

beli beli

loved the video! I just have one question: do you freeze the salmon beforehand to get rid of any parasites it may have?

Jo G

I love watching your videos, I watch them every night. They are so serene. I love your cooking and how you keep busy everyday but, I especially love Lucy.

Ivoneide Ramos de Souza

Sou brasileira e estou amando suas dicas de minimalismo,alimentação saudável e reciclagem sustentável

LHYNE KD’s Channel

I like to watch your all videos, especially the way you’re using your Cuchen rice cooker I hope one day I can own this kind of cookware It’s my stress reliever after work. Stay safe and Have a Blessed day Ma’am Honeyjubu


как все аппетитно ! люблю ваши видео !)

Magdalena Bejarano Agama

Hermoso video, en Perú se acostumbra a comer chicharrón de calamares o pota,,,,, a mi me encanta los calamares, pero sólo en chicharrón o a la parrilla Que bien cocinas el pescado Saludosss desde Perú.

Ирина Новичёк

приятно смотреть.вкусно готовите.

Melissa Puentes

I love that avocado and rice dish you made. I am going to have to try that

Vanieuda Oliveira

Brasil tbm se come arroz todos dias com feijão tbm


Eveything was beautiful and looked yummy! I used some leftover garlic naan, hardboiled eggs, and a bit of leftover cheese all heated up like an odd pizza. It was delicious!

Swimming Otter

Thank you for all you share with us!!! Bless you and your family

Тоита Магомадова

И какая чистота и порядок 🖒🖒🖒

Jessica Shuminas

This is so therapeutic and relaxing to watch I love cooking and this is shining while being quite loveeee

Mamak Medan

love your cooking moms 🙂
everything look so delicious
I got so many inspiration by watching your video hehe

Shirin Isaeva

Очень очень вкусно!))
Красивая подача еды)
Скажите, пожалуйста, какой фирмы ваш чайник?
Спасибо большое за настроение


I just want to say i really love your home, your lifestyle, and This encouraged me to have my home. Love you so much from other side of the earth.

Guadalupe Gonzalez

Me encanta su estufa Dr .House.
Me gustaría tener una.
Videos muy buenos

Moxie, DIY and Java

Wow, these looked delicious


Очень красиво! Воспользуюсь рецептами.

taoxiaoju 陶小居

I’m about to prepare a week’s meal, thank you for your inspiration

Rysgul Zhumanbayeva

Очень красивый горшок для риса

Ajeng Lembayung

Hi, hello from Jakarta. I really like how you cook all food. It gives me some motivation to start cooking (again). Also, I’m curious about your pot for cooking rice. I was thinking to use more traditional pot (non-alumunium) instead of rice cooker. Can you tell me what kind of pot is that? Is it Korean pot or something? Thank youuu

Donya Bimbilita

Those shine muscat grapes look sooo delicious I wish Costco US has them

Daksha Sureshkumar

Unnie won’t you get tired, u have to film all 7 days, take care of your family, clean the house and edit this video…such a hard working person… lots of love form me to u… 🇮🇳🇮🇳


더운 여름에 무기력해지기 쉬운데, 부지런하게 뚝딱뚝딱 해내시는 모습이 정말 본받고싶어요️ 지치기 쉬울 때 힘을 내게 만드는 원동력이 있다면 알려주세요

Stara Buelin05

Your cooking skills are amazing I really fell in love with your video

Nellen Sosie

I like the way you cook , modori pan ,the lemon stow..im directly looking for them ,also wood cutlery

Victoria Love

The way you present food is so beautiful. In these troubled times it is refreshing to my mind and soul to spend time with you in your peaceful lovely home. Thank you for sharing it. I have learned so much from you. In the US we have a saying “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks”. Well I’m soon to be 74 and I have learned new tricks from you. btw, Lucy is adorable.

Pristin Pereira

I love your cooking videos, I been staying alone and thinking about easy to cook home meal recipes. Thanks for sharing! I love your dog captured in your video too..!

BB Rosser

Okay. I’ve just found another happy place! Love your style of food preparation. And, as time goes by, I will observe closely to learn some of your recipes.

Delimar Oliva

me encanta tus videos ️

미즈유니 yunni | 건강식단, 9살딸육아

이번주동안 제가 생각했던 메뉴와 거의 일치하네요. 두부조림, 덮밥, 연어 등등… 정갈하게 잘 차린 모습 너무 이쁩니당~~ 두부조림이랑 가지요리 하려고 어제 장봐놨는데, 얼렁 해 먹어야겠어요~~~ 🙂 잘봤습니당~~

Remy Go

I’m interested in making salmon marinate but what is a better substitute for starch syrup and tuna juice? Thanks for sharing your recipes by the way

Eduarda Santos

Obrigada por mais um excelente vídeo jubu

Sam Mesrati

J’adore ce que vous faites vous avez une maison magnifique vous faites très bien la cuisine vous êtes parfaite pour moi


Все очень красиво .порции конечно завраживают


10:53 아보카도 명란덮밥
13:09 매운 두부조림 덮밥

Jamie M

You have been teaching me so much! Like, I always thought you had to wait for passion fruit to become wrinkly before you ate it!


I love watching your videos. I would love to make all this delicious food. Definitely the tofu stew is something I will be trying. Do you by chance have an Amazon store? I love the rice cooker you are using. A long with the wooden bowls and stuff. 🙂
Also what kind of sugar are you using? My sugar normally white unless we get coconut sugar.

Josefa Canamasas Puig

Que chulo lo de la fruta de la pasión.
Dicen que va bien, para las personas con insomnio declarado.
Todos los ingredientes de sus comidas, son muy saludables.
Buen video!.

Selbi Polat

Çok lezzetli gözüküyor ellerine sağlık

Josiane A. Rosa Silva

Olá sou do Brasil gosto dos seus vídeos as receitas incríveis

Camille Mayers

Your food looks elegant and delicious!

creative kiyomi

She makes me wanna truly live my house wife dream. I love all your videos️

Greenfinger ;-D

신혼집 준비하는 새댁입니다
여느 추천 영상처럼 이끌려 보게 되었는데요

이 분 참 쌀을 신박하게 씻는다.. 꺌끔쟁인가 하고 보다가
반면 연어는 손으로 또 투박하게 뚝뚝 썰어제끼고
지은 밥도 한가득ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 연어장 양념도 한가득
영상만 이쁘게 찍으려는게 아니고
이건 찐이다 싶어 구독 눌렀습니다
제가 좋아하는 속도와
다 똑같은 쓰잘데기없는 비쥐엠이 없어 죠습니다
잘 시청하겠습니다


정리뿐아니라 요리도 정말 잘하시네요. 완전부러워요~~

пуля серебряная

Красивые, аппетитно выглядящие блюда,и главное очень полезные. От такой еды,всегда будешь здоров и бодр.

Yasmim Oliveira

Adoro seu canal 🙂

Shona Wang

Split meals is good!
Rice could be replaced by potatos and other healthier food sometimes as white rice got a lot sugar in it. Like your video!


lovely video as always! i am going to make the last dish lunch today. thank you for you hard work and sharing your life <3

Hye Kyung Kim

정말,살림을 고품격으로 하시네요, 부럽습니다^^

loshimizu Studio

Your videos are so beautiful and relaxing to watch! I love it! You puppy is adorable!


I love your videos!!! I was wondering if you can share the plates you use to prep your vegetables in and any other kitchen gadget. Can’t wait to see your next video

Prescilla RG

I just found your channel! I’m definitely going to try these new recipe. ️

Nga Tu

nhìn thích cách nấu ăn đến sạch sẽ tôi rất thích lối sống này

Wanda Garrity

Everything looks delicious. Will definitely have to try. Thank you

Без Слов

11:59 — oh! It looks so delicious!
Thank you for this magic video


This video so great! I really like the way you cook


Wow, the salmon looked so delicious!

Maria Celeste Conde Garcia

we call passion fruit PARCHITA in Venezuela, the outside is yellow and they have wrinkles hehehe, is so tasty, its juice is the best

Dino World


Ana Gomez

Gracias. ¿Y no congelas el salmón antes para evitar el anisaki ?


Hi! Can I use the sauce that you used for the squid with other protein such as poultry or meats? Or do you recommend tweaking it a little?

Sihem Zed

Korean dishes are very varied I liked your recipes full of freshness .. I want to try them .. thank you for this video and big like for your well-organized kitchen ️

Juju Larue

Cooking is always easy with nice ingredients

vanessa leal

Eu amo

Dai Colori ai Sapori

As always great video! So inspiring

Светлана Краевская

Привет как у вас уютно и тепло спасибо за видео

The Patchwork Purveyor

Wow, I am mesmerized by your cooking utensils and appliances. Your food looks so delicious.


연어 덮밥 진짜 맛있어 보이네용 백향과 진짜 좋아하는데 대리만족하고 갑니당 모든 요리들이 다 제 취향이네용 즐거운 주말 보내세요

Dora Herald

You inspire me to be a better person, mother and wife. Thank you!


Would love to try some of your recipes. It’s hard to find some of ingredients that you use. They always look delicious and I adore spicy food.

Liliana Sattin

Hummm maravilhoso…

stay pray

나는 인도네시아 사람이지만 한국 문화를 정말 좋아합니다. 이 채널에서 많은 것을 배웠습니다. 감사합니다.

Büşra Eren

This and the other ones excellent to feel relaxed inspired, some kind of meditation thank you for all and ı more spend of my time in my kitchen in my wa because of you honey

Имельда Небера

ну и огроменные порции. куда так много есть?! а корейская кухня очень вкусная и полезная

Crystal Tseng

All the things in your video are soooo nice and make me comfortable !!!! I really want to eat the food you cook~

Priscilla De Ferrari

What’s the recipe explained in English ? It looks amazing !

Zohra Roowala

This gave me some new foods to try out! Another excellent video 🙂

Jiran Kim

정성 가득한 요리보고 힐링이되네요. 장 봐서 꿀주부님 만드신 두부 덮밥 도전해봐야겠어요. 주물 냄비 정보 알수 있을까요?

Edi A. Guerra

Como essa gente come!!! Nossa! Fico impressionada, pois não são gordos.

Judy Simon

I need this diet, everything looks so refreshing and cool.

Caroline Ferreira

Quando eu tiver uma casa, e vida própria vou ser assim

Gloria Bolton

Me encanta sus videos señora bonita… siempre aprende uno con ud…la miro desde Honduras 🇭🇳

Faith Sabillo

Is everything in your house white and brown? everything looks neat and clean, the editing too plus it makes me want to try and make the dishes you made

Serendipity Love

what kind of pot do you use for the rice? is it cast iron or what? and do you have a video on how exactly you make your rice? how many minutes? any oil? cold or hot water? thanks you’re the best xx

Candace Rain

I love your stuff! I wish I knew where you got it. I wanna find that rice pot too


Me gusta muchísimo gracias

Daiane Rodrigues dos santos

Adorei parabens

Sarah Baptiste

everyfood i see you prepare,it makes hungry even if i just ate

더클레어 The Claire

오늘 저도 연어 가득 소분하고 스테이크 만들어먹고 뒹굴뒹굴 했는데 첫장면 너무 반가웠어요 ️ 영상 오늘도 너무 좋아요 🙂


보는것만으로 힐링되는 영상이네요 15분이 금방 갔네요 몰입도 100% 영상입니다~~


오늘도 정성이 가득한 영상

Sheri Turner

I love everything about your videos. Your dishes are beautifully presented.
I love your little dog Lucy. She reminds me of my dog Stuart.


지금 꿀주부님 영상보다 재료가 있어서 오징어 볶음을 해봐야겠다는 마음을 먹고 의외로 간단하다고 생각해서 보고 따라해봤더니 와 단백하고 맛있네요 덕분에 저희 세식구 맛있게 잘 먹었습니당^^~
저 오징어 볶음 정말 못해서 여러레시피 보다 망친적 많아서 좀 망설였지만 꿀주님 레시피가 역시 최고예용

Cecilia Torres

Saludos desde México, excelente vídeo

Karel Angelica Ramírez Rojas

Yo te sigo todos los días para relajarme pero creo que dejaste de poner subtítulos en español y no puedo entender lo que escribes debajo de la filmación. Te agradecería que volvieras a poner subtítulos en español ya que soy latina. Gracias ️
No dejes de hacer videos como estos…

엄마 생활 mom’s life

선생님으로 모시겠습니다..️
대박이에요!!! 구독하고 정주행해서
살림고수로 거듭나겠습니다️️

Madeleine AÏZPURU

J aime vos recettes de cuisine qui sont simples mais succulentes.

Laurie Gills

Love watching you cook!!! ️
Where ever did you get your food storage containers and your lovely baskets?!

12 23

Can you share easy korean winter recipes ️️ love u!!

Fosi VM

Hola soy suscriptor nuevo y que hermosos videos publicas, saludos desde México 🇲🇽 ️


영상 볼때마다 항상 깔끔하고 청량한 느낌이 들어요 따라해보고 싶은데 맘처럼 쉽진 않지만요 오늘도 대리만족 했네요

Dongjoo Smith

호주에서 인사해요~ 락다운때문에 식구들 계속 집에 있어서 저도 요리 많이 하는데, 남편하고 아이가 해산물을 안 먹어서 제가 해산물 먹고 싶은날은 항상 따로 준바해야해요.. 너무 부러워요 가족이 다같이 같은 메뉴 먹는거요! 명란 아보카도 덮밥 내일 먹어야겠어요 ^^

jessica avellaneda

Hello, I’m curious about how long the passion fruit can be stored in the fridge? Thank you

Dimple Eugamus

i’m so curious about where you buy the rattan baskets to store dishcloths, vegetables, etc. would love to know where to get it! my mum loves watching your videos 🙂

Shinchui La

Your such a good house wife️love everything about you

Phuong Jenny

You are the best housewife I have ever known. The way u organize n take care ur house are amazing. Specially I love all ur kitchen gadgets. I guess u bought all of them in ur country-Korea, didn’t u? I wonder can I buy them on Amazon? Ur cooking is good too. Very tidy n clean. My admiration to u

Liudmila Schreiner

Понравилось и сегодня на обед приготовлю с тому. Спасибо


진짜 살림 솜씨가 너무 좋으세요.
밥 짓는 뚝배기 정보 알수 있을까요?

Sanmitra P. Khura

Wow so nice and simple recipe .I wanna try them.

Kitty Deen

I love your style – very inspiring

sharnz87 Grace

Love all your content thank you


결혼하기전에는 관심도 없던 예쁜그릇과 살림살이들과 집과 인테리어가 결혼하고 아이를 낳아보니 너무 간절해지고 나도 이렇게 살아보고싶다 하는 생각이 자주드네요 대리만족하러 자주오게되어요:)-


I really enjoyed watching your videos️

Erica Coleman

This is so amazing!

Bri StratoStar

I love you! Two questions:
Are the recipes for food and drink derived from your imagination and experience, and
How do you make rice? Specifically

Dawn urbina

I love Lucy’s spirit

paula silvina galeano

Nunca ví en mi vida hueva de bacalao, imagino q será rico, muy lindo video

G Pozdol

So beautiful. Thank you.


오늘 어쩌다 들어와 구독하고 갑니다.
정말 정성스럽게 밥상차림 가지런히
깔끔하게 …가족들위해 정성가득
사랑이넘치는 식탁인듯해요.~^^

Xue-Lin VC

Saludos desde Costa🇨🇷Rica🇨🇷 Me encantan tus vídeos más que me identifico en cuidar el medio ambiente️,reciclando️, seleccionado y utilizando artículos biodegradables.

judy on zen

cant find and eat in restaurants with these menu…how lucky your family to have you cooking!!!

Eva Patricia Guerra Cerrato

Dear Honeyjubu, where do you buy your saucepans? I saw some in other videos that you have posted and they are nice and seem to be good, could you please tell me where I can get them?

begoña Lobeto

Me encantan tus vídeos

Румяна Вълчева

Everything in this video impressed me from the sounds of nature to the delicious food served with aesthetics ! Now do you keep this fluffy rice in relation to water ? And we in Bulgaria emphasize bread unfortunately !!

Mona Kloudy

I love everything you make ️

Pixie Dust

Hello honeyjubu! May I know if you have a recipe video for the cold soup served on the side with the salmon sashimi rice please?

Carmen Salgado G


Harnsa Fairy

I ve seen that you chose the carbon water of Sigha which is the Thai brand, im so proud of that. Because im thai haha Thats the best quality with reasonable price one in Thailand.

Ольга Хелькевич

О том что ты ел за неделю большая часть населения мира может только мечтать.

마마그린 Mama Green

분다버그 핑크 자몽 제 최애 음료예요 꿀주부님 영상보며 침 질질 흘리네여 요리 실력 넘 부러워요~~ 이 와중에 저녁해야하는데.. 넘 귀찮…….

Riri Nasution

Really enjoy your video. How you filming and the content is so beautiful. Love it!


우와…진짜 매번 매일 밥하시는거 같애요 잔잔하니 되게 좋은거 같애요!

Lorrany Fernanda

Amo assistir seus vídeos

유리풀데이 YurifulDay

항상 갓 지은 솥밥에서 밥 퍼서 먹으실때마다 얼마나 밥맛이 달큰할까 상상하면서 보게돼요️

Birgül Bilgic

Hello from Austria, j aime trop tes vidéos. Ils sont très agréables et tranquillisants. J apprend aussi beaucoup de nouvelles choses. Merci

Viorica Rotaru

excellent video’s i love everything including the dog

Natalie Kyx

I love your videos so much! It’s so warm and lovely to watch. Reminds me of my mum so much. May I ask if that egg yolk is pasteurised?

Nordic Sartorialist

Hi Honeyjubu! Your videos are interesting and soothing. Where do you get those white food containers with the push-button seal? Looks great!!


I love the rice pot

Olimpia Amén! Oviedo

Súper me encanta!

Kiera Chia

I love your videos! It gives me peace and happiness and i always watch it! Thank you for making these videos! Love from singapore~

busy mom 바쁜엄마

어우~ 정말 살림 잘하세요~ 맛있는 음식 ㅜㅜ 군침 돕니다. 뚝배기 탐나네요. 제가 좋아하는 연어… 으~ 새벽1시인데 배고프네요

Mera Villaseñor

11:02 Mis aguacates mexicanos
Desde que se importan a otros países a nosotros nos dejan los aguacates más feos y muy caros. Pero ya tengo mi árbol de aguacates y está creciendo rápido y nadie me lo podrá quitar


Does the bamboo infuser change the taste of the tea somehow?


I love your videos! But what I love even more is the wooden utensils that you use! I’m looking for this kind of dishes and all but can’t find them on Amazon !! Can you please tell me where did you buy them, so maybe I can get some myself ! Thank you !


Delicioso….saludos desde Perú 🇵🇪️

투준맘:일란성 아들쌍둥이 육아

어쩜 이렇게 뚝딱뚝딱 하실까요
영상볼때마다 주방으로 달려가고 싶어요ㅎㅎ
늘 좋은팁도 잘 보고있습니다


Salmon is so expensive here. I’m so drooling over those big chunks of salmon ️

Lucilene Rodrigues

Acho lindo o seu Capricho não conseguiria comer Deus me livre, mais são tradição diferente


Столько рыбы!

RainBelle Drops

Fried cod roe is very tasty too

Rosa Wong

I love to know what kind of rice cooker you are using!! Actually all your cookware is very interesting. Love all the food you make!

Selina Nguyễn Official

B nấu ăn nhìn ngon và hấp dẫn quá.

Ady Liao Chen

Really enjoy n appreciate your efforts. Everything looks so delicate.but I truly wish to learn more . could you please offer more detail of the ingredients for us to try. Thank you.


Nothing about cooking seems easy for me
But I assure you I can very easily gobble these down with passion ️


Tell me you’re Asian without telling me you’re Asian .
Rice lots of rice love all your recipes

Kimberly Sepulveda

You are the sweetest and an inspiration

Yongsuk Chon

따로 국 만들지 않고 밥 한 그릇에 덥밥처럼하니 보기에 간단하고 맛있어 보입니다~~

Judith Wen

Hi!! Thank you so much for another beautiful and inspiring video 🙂 I was wondering where you bought the cod roe?

Sena Wardana

Suka banget karna ada subtitle bahasa indonesia. Thank youu

Оксана Вернер

Приятного Вам аппетита.


Love this! Can you make a video or comment where you got some of the tools used? Like the tea holder and stuff

Vanessa Duca

I am absolutely relaxed watching your video. I Love the silence and peace. I am watching from Brazil.

Red Magic

I will try the tofu it’s simple yet looks delicious

victor ruiz

thank you for that delicious meal.Excellent photography.


도시락버전도 해주시면 좋을거같아요~~ 오늘도 감사히 잘봤습니다

Rebecca Balingit

I love your way of cooking and your very neat kitchen. I Love your pot.

Nasreen Murad

Hello! Where can I get the clay cooking pot you used for cooking your rice?


Salmon fish is very expensive in india. Normal peoples wont even taste it . Its nice to see your videos Love from 🇮🇳

Olga Burlakova

Минимум пластика, все натуральное! Залипательные видео!!!

Erni Roshinta

Dear honeyjubu, i’m really interested with your cooking utensils, natural n classy. Could you give me more information about them?


같은주부로서 반성하게 만드시네요 ~^^;
어쩜 살림 센스가 음식뿐 아니라 뭐든지 뚝딱 너무 쉬워보이게 만드는 마법사 같아요~~

Carmen Paz 💜 “Mujer Iniciada”

I love your videos! They are so inspiring…. And I feel amaze about your rice!! What kind of rice do you use? and How can you do it always at its point? I would love to know it. Thanks in advance.

Budiman Aji

WOW amazing recepie..
I hope you will put a list of product did you use for this video 😀

Sara Domínguez Pérez

Hola, me gustaría que hicieras un vídeo explicando para qué usas cada tipo de olla de arroz. Veo muchas diferentes y cada vez usas una. Un saludo y gracias


요즘 알게되어 너무 감사하게 잘 보고 있습니다~!깔끔하고 저같은 게으른도 살림에 좀 더 관심을 기울이게 해주는 감사한 영상들입니다♡아! 혹시 이 영상에 중식도 정보 알 수 있을까융?~!♡♡

Lina Yin

Can Costco salmon eat directly as sashimi? Do you need to deep freeze first ?

Abigail Rhule

I love watching your show. you inspire me thank you

Cathryne Allen

I am amazed that you can afford the food you constantly cook. An average person in Australia could never afford to eat like this.


쉽고 ‥간단하게‥빠르게 보여주시니
요리에 도움이 되고 있습니다


I love your lifestyle


살림 하시는 모습 너무 예쁘네요..
이것저것 유익한것 많이 배웁니다^^


Прекрасные рецепты
Я живу в казахстане и к сожелению все эти продукты стоят как почка

Adriana Bernal

Esta bien padres tus videos !!!!


First time seeing your video, Its impressive. I am curious to know, In US where we can get the pot you used to cook the rice?

Shilpa 🇺🇦Slava Ukraini

Anyong Haseyo I’m Shilpa , an Indo-Ukranian by birth , I live in Doha(Qatar).I love K-dramas&Kimchi
I love to watch home tours & silent vlogs in you tube. Love your aesthetic sense.
Kamsamhnida (thank you) for uploading beautiful videos
I love salmon but can’t eat it raw (I bake it with European spices or make it Indian style – fry or curry ) but I still enjoyed your video.I can’t drink alcohol hence I love Bundaberg Root Bev !
I eat salmon,shrimp&pork but I don’t eat beef (Indian Hindus pray to cow).I can make some Korean dishes like – soya bean paste,mixed veggies& tofu stew,egg rolls,kongnamul baap(soya bean sprouts rice),kimbaap etc

Dega Gong yoo oppa saranghey ( I love Gong yoo oppa- Coffee Prince & Goblin )

Jey Forest

와 연어장 요리 저도 꼭 해먹어봐야겠어요 스위스에도 저 요리는 가능할듯요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 좋은 영상 감사드립니다

A Nita

Wow you actually cook the rice with a stove not with the rice cooker like mostly asians do.. love your videos


I see these videos and cant help but think how you would be well fed in your home

Давлатхон Моминова

Мне очень нравится корейская еда

Mary Lou Berridge

Wow !! You are absolutely amazing cook !!!!
You make it all look easy and it is once you get use to cooking it ..lol lol
Im going to pass on the squid tho . Seafood is cheaper for you than me in the states .i live in Pennsylvania and seafood is kinda expensive to buy here … salmon is anywhere from 10.49 lb to 16.49 lb !! Im happy to see you grow your scallions !!
Whats your favorite meal ?
I use tempura to fry veggies in but i didn’t know there is a powder ..i will find that next week. Thank you for teaching me alot of things in this video !!
Enjoy your weekend with your family !


This is awesome and looks delicious!! Question: Why do you prefer to cook your rice in the pot instead of a rice cooker? This is coming from a girl who has only ever had a rice cooker her entire life..

Frances Morales

Let is so elegant and delicious!

narjisse narj

Vos vidéos sont magnifiques. J’aime beaucoup votre tablier beige que vous portiez dans les vidéos précédentes. Connaissez-vous un site qui en vend ? Merci.

Reza Anea Lestari

Hi, i am from indonesia. Please make food preparation for a week. Did you go for shopping every day? For get fresh ingredients or you shop for a week? Later please make video about this

Celine Brueckner

Hi, i like very much your videos and how simple you cook
Would like to ask you what is the name of the rice cooker and the electric or gaz plate/system you use..
Sorry for the poor vocabulary and thanks for your response.
PS : I leave in Germany

New to Germany

So fascinating!

Kee-Ann White

This was just lovely, I surprised myself by not skipping. Not even a little.

Swimming Otter

Where can I buy the Produce soap and also the spray bottle you have for your oil?

몽초코 mongchoko

역시 믿고보는 꿀주부님입니다
유익한정보 집밥정보 감사드립니다
꿀주부님 음식은 정말 대박인거 같아요
저두 이번주는 꿀주부님처럼 ㅎㅎㅎ

Garima Mangla

I really like this mini yellow gas stove of yours. ️️

RainBelle Drops

Cod roe is only available here in Ireland 🇮🇪in January when it is the season


What pot did you use to make the rice?

Lushis Creative

Me encato quisiera un té de manzana con menta


진짜 푸짐하게 잘해드십니다 부럽
하루드시는게 저희집 한달식재료비군요 ㅠ

Orfelinda ramirez

Bonitos videos,, y mucha limpieza,, a nosotros un grupo de personas para proporcionar comida para unos amigos, estaba prohibido dar alimentos si tienes mascotas en casa ( perros, gatos, pajaritos, etc. etc.) menos en la cocina,, yo si pude llevar la comida, muchos no calificaron, saludos a la distancia

Sapphira Rusli

Love ur aesthetics. What fruit washing soap do you use? Which country do you live in? Thanks!

Claiza F

Hi!love your vlog,,just curious what other vegetables you put in your tufo stew?

amina brglh

انا احب طريقة طهيك وطريقة تنظيمك انا من الجزائر هل من عربي هنا


진짜 최고에요! 늘 잘 보고 있어요^^

Pooja dadarwala

hI, I love all our videos. Can you share from where did you buy wooden plates and other wooden utensils for a kitchen?

Ali Galindo

Cuanto tiempo se coce el arroz?

lada mimos


Madhuri Nutan918

The way u prepared superrr

은영 J.

우와~연어장 넘 맛나보여요 저도 연어장 만들기 도저언~~!!ㅎㅎ꿀주부님~~연어 씻을때 쓰신 채반 정보 좀 알려주세요


언니 오징어 덮밥먹을 때 나오던 반찬접시 그릇 어디에서 사셨어요?


안녕하세요 허니님~^^ 마침 저희 집에도 연어 사놓은거 있는데 허니님 만드신거 보고 주말에 솜씨 발휘할 수 있을거 같아요. 뚝딱뚝딱 허니님은 정말 금방 솜씨 좋게 만드세요. 늘 부럽습니다. 잘 보고 갑니다. (분다버그핑크자몽 꼭 먹어봐야겠어요ㅋ)해피 주말되세요. 수고하셨습니다~

Heidi Bradshaw

Hi Honey. I see you cooking a lot on just this one ring cooker. Do you have a regular oven and hob in your home or just this? Thankyou x


정말 뚝딱뚝딱 잘 하시네요~^^ 잘 배우고 갑니다~♡♡♡

norm homyak

Дааа.. такую рыбу я только один раз видела, во сне


This is hard work and you make it look lovely.

Mai Y


ibolya vass

Gyonyoru tiszta a konyhad….szep,stilusos,
Nagyon jokat fozol,egeszseges,gusztusos,biztosan nagyon boldog a Csaladod.from Sydney,Australia

tomomi ito

마침 오늘은 코스트코에 갔다 왔어요.
꿀주부님께서 추천해 주신 세 가지 덥밥은 전부 다 맛있을 것 같아요.
저의 내일 점심은 ”아보카도 명란덥밥”을 먹기로 정했어요!
남편은 건강을 위해서” 두부조림”
항상 식기나 주방도구등 눈으로 볼 수 있는 것들이 많아요.
차거름망 너무 예쁘네요.

바쁘신데 대댓글 보내주셔서 고맙습니다.
한국말 더 열심히 공부하겠습니다!

Cuisine le 246

I am in love with your videos! Keep them coming, your follower from MOROOCO

Martha Mendez

Me podría decir donde compro la estufita y la canasta donde pone los elotes

gina kim

패션후루츠 껍질 말릴때 사용하시던 원형 소쿠리 정보 알고 싶어요~^^


Your dog looks so cute!! ️️️

Stella Wong

Delicious! I like tofu too^^

Crystal Clark

What is the name of the pan u use for your rice? I really want one!

Jayshree Bhadange

I m vegetarian, but I like your other vegetable recipe and tricks for good home,

Barbara Carbone

Ty for sharing. I love passion fruit. It’s not very accessible in America and very expensive when it is. But I splurge once in a while


I love all ur recipes specially ur tofu an spicy stir fried squid tooo good I love it all actually I also like the pink drink u had with squid what was it an ur passion fruit preserve was too good

Nancy Ndolo

Lovely and healthy food am inspired


Even just to see your video is so delicious. I think about cooking one of your meal… once))) coz I have to find some of ingridients in Moscow)))

옥상농부 박쑝

요리를 정말 정갈하게 하시네요~~~^^ ㅎㅎㅎ 저도 정갈한 밥상 한번만 받아봤으면… 후훗


I m french and i like yours videos
I try to cook this its look so great!!!
Gamsahamnida !!!!


So satisfying. Love love love.

Shaihah seth

May i know what type of rice is she using? Looks tempting


애들이 참 행복하겠다 생각이 드네요
늘 좋은영상 잘보고
배워가고 있어요

Shalom hamilton

Simply beautiful

Akanksha Singh

Where did you get the rice cooker from?


Lovely! ️

Светлана О

Полностью растворилась в хозяйстве,доме….
Остается ли время на себя,мужа,детей?
Почитать хотя бы.

karishma jena

So nice n peaceful videos

Claire Lin

Love your video so much Have a good weekend and love from Taiwan


I love your videos


Das ist echt der Wahnsinn das alles zuzubereiten.

Ripan shil

Nice recipes

Iman Joseph

I just love your videos.


Is there a reason why you cook rice in the claypot instead of a rice cooker? ^_^

Fazna Hassan

I like to know on your rice pot. Can I know the material and from where you have taken?



Ruxandra Dan

Hello. Where did you get you cauldron for rice?

Shobika Sakthi

Learning some new thingsfrom you..So helpful

Olga Panina

with love from Russia! Your video like meditation for me)))))


This is so beautiful and peaceful, and what lens are you using? the video is very clear. I love it

올리비아 뷰욬 Olivia Viewyork

꿀주부님 저 연어 진짜 좋아하는데 정말 맛있어보여요! 밥도둑 ㅎㅎ 연어장먹고 패션후르츠청 디저트로 먹고싶어요

Foo ZhingZhern

Wow looking forward to seeing lovely cooking healthy foods again amazing vlogs up thank you again sharing different kinds cooking delicious and happy family lovely home sweet home

Nicole Lee

안녕하세요 공유 감사합니다, 연어를 소금에 잰후 씻는 이유가 있나요? 처음 접하는거라 신기하고 꼭 래시피대로 해먹고 싶어요

Catherine Le

You work so hard for your family

Erina Lau

I don’t have Tuna fish sauce can I use korean sandlance fish sauce or anchovy fish sauce?


우연히 보게 되었는데
넘 영상들이 좋아서 계속 보게 되네요
저두 직장생활 하다가 이제는 주부로
이사두 하는데 도움 많이 될것 같아요
구독 좋아요 꾹꾹 하고 가요


보는것 만으로 행복해지네요~~꿀팁 감사해요~^^


열심히 보고 배우고있습니다~^^
나무로된 식기가 많으신데
세척은 어떻게 하시나요?
녹찻물로 하면 좋다는데
녹차를 마시지않아서 굳이 사기에도그렇고
베이킹소다 가루로 닦고 식촛물로 마무리하는데
팁이 있으면 가르쳐주세요^^

조혜연「Hyeyeon Cho」

힐링되는 영상 감사드립니다^^

Janet Johnson

Where did you get your rice pot?


삶이 아름다워보여요~
연어 씻은 후 놓는 법랑 채반과 공기 빼서 보관하는 하얀 용기는 어디서 구하는지 매우 궁금하네요~


love your videos


성격이인심이 후할것 같아요~
뭐든 가득가득담으시는게
살림잘하시고 영상이 깔끔 하네요~~ㅎ


Great video!!! Please where can I get the bottle showed at 9:48?

Sakshi Bist

I want this rice pot! Its so cute cook in it serve in it …

mahima choudhary

Which material based utensils are these ?

Svetlana svetlay

Где вы заказывали контейнеры для холодильника

Widyarini Dewi Umara

Thanks for the recipe


Merhaba Türkiyeden selamlar videolarınızı cok beğenerek izliyorum.. Bazı şeyler çok dikkatimi çekiyor, mesela ufak tava yada tencereye ağzı dolup taşan kadar yiyecek koyup pişirmeye çalışıyorsunuz bazen :)) neden daha büyük tencere kullanmıyorsunuz? Yada içecek doldururken.. Neredeyse dökülecek diyorum içimden ilginç geliyor bana.. Yemek yerken de öyle.. Porsiyonları cok büyük tutuyorsun. Bu el alışkanlığı olmalı galiba.. Lütfen bunu olumsuz algılama sadece uzun süredir dikkatimi çekti ️

Laarni Javier

Where did u bought all your kitchen tools and utensils?the wooden plates


I love your videos. Are delicate and do not attack my ears.
I always find many ideas. today I discovered that, until now, I have wasted the peels of the passion fruit️
thanks from 🇮🇹italy

Albina N

Любуюсь уютом, едой. Сегодня макароны. Вчера макароны, и завтра макпроны. Привет из роССии

The Man

Какая хозяйка

지니점빵 jinyjumbbang

힐링 그자체입니다~~ 녹차 마시면서 끝까지 보내요~ 좋은 영상 감사합니다~

Sandra Mas

En Perú lo llamamos maracuyá


You’re living my dream life.

medimedia gmailaccount

Where can I get the rice cooker?

Aurélie Jenna

that squid looks delicious


Plss make a video of your house tour..

Fatoom Alkhobar Vlogs 🤍 فطوم الخبر

I am from Saudi Arabia and I love you and your home and love your cooking. You are a nice person. Thank you for making me listen to watching.

Pink Lady Bath & Body

This is so weird that Koreans are enjoying shopping at a Costco….

Antonia Kathryn Gammad

Hi! Can you put an english translation please?

Galya Gaks

Благодарю за видео.

Инна Савицкая

what kind of wine is used to sprinkle salmon?

Lily Draws

Ah yes the iconic Dr.hows sparkle mini buntane cooker

Sreelatha Sreejit

can you please do a sushi roll making video ?

milena chaparro

Me impresiona que casi en todas las recetas usas azucar….!!!!

claus campuzano

Beutiful all video! Passion Fruit Chung: Maracuyá, en mi país (Colombia)


사실 패션프루트는 살짝 주름이 져있으면 먹으면 더 달달해요

Dodo Pakshi

Hey, love watching your videos ️

I thought you are a zero waste person, but I saw plastic wrapping and grapes and something else in the beggining. I also noticed how you were opening the zip lock in the beginning. You yore off a top part, which is non recyclable. When we open a pouch, we should always keep the cut intact with the rest of the pouch


식탁위에 반찬 올러놓으신 가운데에 있는건 어디서 구매 가능한가요?^^

Sandrine Cerisier

Bonjour hâte de voir la préparation du thé avec la peau des fruits de la passion


English subtitles please.

khant ti KS

Hello. I. have a question, how do you make tea with those passiionfruit peels?

khant ti KS

Hello. I. have a question, how do you make tea with those passiionfruit peels?

Tahyati Yati

Sehat banget ya Bun,pasti enak



Юлия Я.

토리 브이로그 TORY Vlog

꿀주부님 식탁은 항상 풍성한 잔칫집 같아요


I enjoy so much of you videos! But what’s the tuna liquid in the salmon?

Елена Кобец



과일껍질 말릴때 먼지쌓인거는 어떡해 처리하고 먹어야되나요

Madhuri Nutan918

Hi can u plz give the online links to purchase those wooden and storage items

Lapis Lazarus

God bless! That salmon would cost 200USD! I can’t afford to eat that way, even though I’d LOVE to.



Uani Ta

Sei bravissima!!!! 🙂


Is it safe to eat rice daily? Here in the western part of the world, we’ve been told rice is arsenic. I’m amazed how you cook. I didn’t see any pasta and potatoes, the kinds of food a lot of us western people eat. I bet you’d be a better chef than most people over here lol. I admire how you cook fresh food all the time. It’s something I struggle with all the time. How did you learn to cook?

Jaroslava Becvarova

Thank you for inspiration


How do you maintain the Bamboo Baskets?

Robbie P

On everything is so pretty I love your aesthetic .

Antin Yulisa

Ah those pot for rice cooker is so cool..

Julia borge

와우 얼마나 기뻐요… 신이 당신의 아름다운 가족을 보호하시기를

RainBelle Drops

Passion fruits and mangos are my favourite fruits


확실히 가족과 함께 먹을 음식을 하시는분이라 그릇들이 예쁘기만하지않고 실용성을 갖췄네요 잘보고갑니다#


That’s a lot of rice


I would love to know your secret to maintain your carpet so white, stainless … what material is it made of ? Thanks xo

aim P

Hi,I would like to ask you ,how is the name of utensil of rise! I am from Greece and I want to make rise like you! Thank you a priori,
By the way You’re my fav Youtuber !

J eon

우드식기나 우드볼 우드식탁깔개 같은 제품들 어디서 구매하시나용? 저도 우드 제품 너무 좋아해요 ㅎㅎ

Bangladeshi Mom Thailand

Thank you so much for sharing

Ika Sutiarsih

Terima kasih banyak atas tontonan yang menarik


진짜부럽네요 살림송씨~항상 영상은 시간가는지 모르게 푹 빠져서 봅니다
둥근도마는 무거워보이는데 불편하지 않나요?
구입하고 싶은 맘이 생기네요~~~

미르니 미르니

간장병 오일병들은 어디서 구입하셨나여?


오늘도 잘보고가요 항상 꿀팁

Cyrnax Bong

I’m curious why you don’t use a rice cooker. Does rice taste better cooked in the earthen pots? Also, don’t you have to keep watch the heat and stir when cooking in an earthen pot? Just want to learn. I can’t cook rice outside of a rice cooker.


Where did you buy those glasses! They are so cute ! I want it

Lihua Tan

Watching your video brings me comfort and warmth

Nuray Şimşek

Merhaba.pirinç pilav tarifini tam olarak verebilir misiniz acaba?

Sarika Choudhary

Yes love everything about your videos

Moshira Gamal

جميل جداً الاكل وصحى تسلم ايدك

jennie hani

What is the name of the green vegetables on the salmon? 9:37


Oh man, those passion fruits must have been super sour! They aren’t ripe while the skin is still smooth.

Shtroumpfette 13

Super je m abonne

Crystal Lee

정말 꼼꼼하고 알뜰하시네여 오징어 자를때 우유팩


잘보고 있어요
흰 체반은 어디서
어떤요리든 척척해내는모습에

Юлия Трубачева


Chris DC

Hey, merci pour vos délicieux partage. J’adore vos vidéos j’en suis une Fan.️


It’s like I’m healing when I watched your video

내가 걷는 계절은

안녕하세요 늘 살림에 도움되는 영상 올려주셔서 잘배우고 잘보고 있습니다 ^^
유리병 소독하고 놓으실때 밑에 파란색 깐거 궁금해요 제가 요즘 찾고있는건데 제품정보 알수있을까요?^^

Simona Cusini

Che Amore Lucy




Hello..Im from Thailand..I like to watch your videos, it’s inspired me when im tired and bored to do a lot of homework. This time i’ve just noticed the sparkling water (Singha Brand) that you mixed in the drink..its thailand product, isn’t it? (for an advertisement?) whatever, thank you for sharing your good videos..its inspired me a lot

Gardening Houseplants

안녕! 좋은 저녁이에요! 긍정적인 분위기를 공유해주셔서 감사합니다! 해피 홈 스위트 홈!


I’m a perfectionist, and oh how I wish I could stay at home and make things perfect. Alas, I must work.


Everything is organized even in cooking..
Now a days(pandemic situation) i spend more times indoors than outdoors.

Otis Loquis

Alguien conoce y sabe como se llama el canal de una chica coreana, que muestra solo lo que esta haciendo y que trabaja con arcilla y que hace unas hermosas figuras con ellas.?
Si alguien sabe me puede comentar…. Gracias


You have wonderful kitchen items. Where do you get them from?

Abigail Rhule

Please where can I find the sauce you use to cook with

Munjeong Choi

패션후르츠 껍질을 버렸는데 껍질로 만든 차가 궁금하네요! ^^ 오늘도 잘 봤습니다~!

Альфия Каримова

Добрый вечер, подскажите варочное вино это белое вино?


오일 소스통은 어디꺼 일까용?

how to draw easy

Love it


남은 소스는 어떻게 활용하나요? 장아찌 만들고 남은 소스를 어떻게 해야할지 모르겠어요

Sumianty Bone

Aduuuh,lihat cara masak,membersikan rumah,kelihatannya begitu gampang..tdk kelihatan cape’samasekali..hebaaatt istri idaman.

Ragras Home

코스트코 가서 연어 사와야겠어요…
연어장도 만들고, 꿀 주부님 따라쟁이 해 볼게요


️️big thumbs up friend wowww awesome recipe looks so mouthwatering thanks for nice sharing wishing you al the best hope you have a wonderful day sending lots of love ️


절대 평범한 주부가 아니신 것같아요
전문 요리사 수준의 솜씨네요
영상보면서 게으른 주부는 반성합니다ㅎㅎ

Tiffany P

hello Im a new subscriber to your channel, I enjoy watching your videos. I was wondering where can I find the bows you use with top you push on to make the bowl air tight.


Great video, have a nice day ️
الفديو رائع أتمنى لك يوم سعيد️


좋은영상감사합니다 요린인데 연어장보고 만들어 먹어보고 싶네요 집에 참치액이 없는데 대신 뭘 넣으면 좋을까요?^^

Давлатхон Моминова

Слюнки потекли мммм

Ruha _

영상에서 엄청나게 분주한 느낌이 전해져요:)

Naina Verma

Hello ma’am…can you please do a vegetarian korean dishes only video. 🇮🇳🇰🇷

Başak A.

The amount of rice consumed in one meal is extreme to me, but amazing range of high nutritional side dish may be helping to balance your blood sugar

Katy V

Voilà j’ai compris merci ️ le thé passion !


Tolles Video, liebe Grüße aus Deutschland

adil Cinar



밥하는 솥은 어디서 구입하시나요

Đan Nguyễn

I really like your videos. I think you should add music to make it better ️

Zari Risso

Beautiful and wonderful.
Elegance at home distinguishes wonderful women.

Somphon S



꿀주부님 영상 시간가는 줄 모르고 참
즐겁게 시청해요
그런데 우드 그릇과 머그잔은 어디서
구매 하셨는지 알려주세요

Okami chan

It’s a pity, here in Russia this lemonade stands like a box of ordinary =(

SimpleHigh 심플하이

카메라는 어떤거 사용하세요? 화질과 색감 너무 좋아요:)

One Beck

Where can i find the pot in wich you are cooking the rice please? Thanks


꿀주부님 밥만 먹어도 맛있을꺼 같아요 마지막에 밥하신 가마솥 정보는 따로 없는데 정보 받을수 있을까요?


9:35초에 나오는 나무비빔기는 어디껀가요? ㅎㅎ

Delicious cooking vlog :美味的烹饪

Appreciate your handwork …………. very nicely done


안녕하세요 매번 영상 잘 보고있습니다 ~ 대단하신거같아요 ~ 혹시 물병 9:49 정보좀 알수있을까요 , 찾고있던 제품이라서 ㅠㅠ

griff dor

Я бы хотела к ней на обед попасть

Vietnam Rural Channels

I really like your videos, long-lasting interaction registration


Merci beaucoup


영상보면 밥을
돌솥에하고 뚝배기에하고
가마솥에도 하시던데
특별한 이유가 있으신가요? 궁금^^
혹 메뉴따라 달리하신건지..
어디에 한 밥이 젤 맛나던가요? ㅎㅎ
저는 솥에 밥을하면 항상 밥물이 넘쳐흘러 주변이 더러워지거든요
팁좀 알려주세요

Gabita Tite

Thank you for sharing with us this lovely video your home is so beautiful. And i love Lucy so cute. Have a lovely and peaceful weekend

Nigella Parker

Hi…I really enjoy your videos..your kitchen wares are nice to look at..can you where to buy your coffee cups…the floral print ones…


쓰시는 칼의날 길이가 얼마나
되는지 알려주실수 있나요?
또 어디서 구입하셨나요?
그런걸 사고싶은데 인터넷을봐도


노란 가스렌지 어디서 사셨어요?



Alsu mukminova

Необычное сочетание блюд у Вас у корейцев ( помидоры с яблоком) , рыба с рисом и зеленый виноград на столе, за раз едят так много блюд и такие худые и все время едят , полные холодильники еды , контейнеров с едой , сладкие бутерброды из белого хлеба с чиз кремом и виноградом , и все это так тщательно упаковывается и так педантично и медитативно сервируется на стол . Спасибо за видео , прям захотелось поесть этих корейских блюд, особенно красную рыбу с рисом и зеленью.


밥 지은 뚝배기 정보 부탁드려용~~^^

Mojibur Rahman

I have no words..!Just satisfying..! I’m watching your video for the first time. from Bangladesh.
Can anyone tell me the name of the background music that was playing at the end of the video.

Chingfen Chou

How long does it take to cook white rice in this kind of pot?


I love your drinking glasses so much. I am not sure why, but I do & would love a set.


유리컵 정보 알 수 있을까요?


항상 잘 보고있어요~~연어장 담은 반찬통 어디꺼예요? ^^

V. Mishra’s art





안녕하세요!! 우연히 떴는데 영상 너무 잘봤습니다!
영상미가 너무 예뻐요

하나 궁금한게 있는데 애플민트 차 드실 때 쓴 거름망 정보 혹시 알 수 있을까요..?? 너무 귀여워서요 감사합니다. 🙂

إتيكيت الروح

Vous êtes tres propre je te salue,from Algeria

Susan Cardenas

당신의 비디오에 대단히 감사합니다! 나는 최근에 채널을 발견하고 훌륭합니다 … 그가 준비하는 모든 것이 맛있습니다. 콜롬비아에서 인사말!

Esmeralda Molina

En mi R D esa fruta se llama chinola 🇩🇴y en .pR.sele llama parcha…saludos de 🇺🇸

Ali Alosh

قناتك جدا جميله وتعطي طاقه ايجابيه عندما ارئ فيدوهاتك اكون سعيده

roberto brazzatti

Grazie sempre ️️da provare sicuramente
Ciao Lucy ️


What is the name of the pot you cook your rice in please?


밥 담으신 우드식기제품 어디거인가요?영상너무이뻐요 늘 힐링합니다

Natalia Szczerba-Szkop

Hi! Where did You buy that cabinet/console (I don’t know how to explaine ;P ) I mean the item where You get Balmuda toaster, please! Thank so much for answer 😀

Explore with Shalini

Hi… Such lovely videos. Wondering you all are immune to get throat infection as I see you all consume a lot of cold stuff. I get it quite often when consume cold items. 🙂

Людмила Кузнецова

Здравствуйте. Супер, я теперь фанат ваших видео. Но у меня вопрос. Крупа у вас это рис, только рис едите? Ну просто для сравнения. Я из России. Мы едим из круп – макароны, картошку, гречку, рис… А у вас получается только рис?

Vani sekar

Nice video.. your ricepot is very nice..where did you get it?


꿀주부님 항상 재미있게 잘보고있어요
오징어볶음과 같이드신 분홍색음료는 뭘까요?

Rany Matos



12:02 에 나오는 그릇받침대?(나무로된거)는 어디제품인가요


꿀주부님 어쩌면 이리도 요리를 잘하시는지 정말 많은도움이 되고있습니다 근데 레시피를 알고싶어요 연어장 금방 지나가니 외우기가 쉽지않아요 제가 나이가 6학년이라서 ㅋ ~~~

명금 최




Elba Guzmán

Fruta de la pasión es Maracuyá?

Lisa Gessler

How expensive must have been this salmon

Gardenia Montoya

나는 야채를 곁들인 연어 레시피를 좋아해서 시도해 볼 생각입니다. 나는 영감을 주고 숙제를 하도록 동기를 부여하는 비디오를 보는 것을 좋아합니다. 저녁을 먹으면서 즐거운 시간을 보낸다. 건배

Modern Unwind ASMR

those grapes are huge!


요즘은 이트레이더스만 다녔는데 코스코도 뽐뿌 엄청오네요~~^^ 패션후르츠는 과일속만 얼린거 샀는데 냉장고에 계속 넣어 놓았는데 못쓰겠죠? 청을 진즉에 담궜어야했는데 말이죠ㅜㅜ

mo & sho rabie

Hi what amazing I love it ️


뚝배기 사이즈가 어떻게 되죵? 뚝배기 종류가 여러개 던데 … 구체적으로 뭔지 알수있을까용?
뚜껑이 두개 인것 같던데 링크 사이트에선 제가 2개 짜리를 못찾겠어용ㅠ

써자매쓰 Sseojamaeth

어머나.. 요즘 진짜.. 더더욱 집콕위주로 해야하는데.. 매일 배달 시켜먹기도 그렇고… 집에만 있으니깐.. 무료하고 했어요.. 근데.. 이렇게 건강하고 맛난 그리고 간단한 ㅋㅋ 아하하!! 닾밥 최고네요! 저두 코스트코는 오픈멤버로 빨리 다녀오는데 슝! 가서 맛난 재료들 사서 맛있게 덮밥 반들어 먹어야겠어요! 코스트코 연어야 기달료라!! 밥그릇도 예쁘고 뭔가 살림에서 저렇게 늘~~ 예쁘게 해벅고 싶은 맘이 막 들고.. 늘 워너비입니다 꿀주부님!!

Melissa Wilson

I love sashimi!! Salmon is ok but I tuna is my favorite lol


뚝배기 밥할때쓰기는 몇cm이좋은가요,?

yomi •

Washing soap?? Isnt vinegar a better option then?

lada mimos



Hi I like your video, can you tell me what lens do you use to record? Any artificial lighting or you just use the natural lighting? Thanks

Cooking Nana

looks amazing, my new friendtasty and yummy. plz stay connected


나도….저렇게 술술 뚝딱 한번에 여러가지…할수 있었으면


덮밥정보너무좋아요 워킹맘에겐 딱입니다 당분간 이걸로 돌려막기해야겠어요 늘감사해요^^
참 반찬놓은 트레이 구입정보 부딱해도 될까요?

Noura Ashraf

Ilove all recipes today I’ll try this recipes looks so delicious and please can you make types of health sandwiches , I ‘m eat a lot of health sandwiches ; I’m studying in this days so I don’t any time . Ilove you and keep your health

Ivana Hort

Só não sei como conseguem comer tanta pimenta

lombokkim 롬복라이프

와 저도 오늘 오징어볶음 먹었어요!


영상 잘봤어요
저도 솥밥 도전하고 싶은데 어떻게 하면 실패없이 맛나게 할수 있을까요?

Delia Torres

Karin R.A

La pasión frustrado es la maracuya es muy rica

Abdullah Alobaidi

اتمنى ايجاد زوجة كهذة السيدة الرائعة لتعتني بي جيدا

Trena O’Quinn


sunny day

요리하고 살림하는 영상에 늘 힐링하는 주부라서 그럴까요?
알고리즘이 영상 띄어주어서 영상 잘 보았어요.
혹시 무쇠밥솥 구매처 알수 있을까요?

Bhavya S M

Hi, I like your blog very much. Can please tell me different type of tea(apple mint, rose tea like this) how make at home itself.

Sadouki Kacimo

From algeria merci pour vos vidéo



Alsu mukminova

Как изысканно, блюдо из красной рыбы и риса , оно теплое ? и газированная вода с маракуййей и льдом ….почему не белое вино ?

Sumin You

연어 보관하는 용기는 어디서 구입하신거에요?


후르츠껍데기로 차를 만들면 맛이 궁금하네요

Veta Shabra Afdhila

Where i can find milk pan like yours ?


소개받고 보게 되었는데요~
살림도 잘 하시지만
너무 이쁜 영상이네요.^^
저도 6400유저인데 쓰시는 로그?가 궁금해요~~

Тоита Магомадова

И себя не показывают 🖒🖒🖒


꿀님~^^ 영상항상잘보고있어요 요리도 뚝딱!하고금방하시네요~부럽^^올리브드시는거 어디건지알수있을까요?저두올리브를엄청좋아하거든요~부탁드려요~

Francis Tudon

Me gusta mucho el arroz mexicano Pero el suyo es completamente blanco sin ningún condimento?..


영상 잘 봤습니다

코코 주1회 가시는거 같은데

장보시면 얼마정도 나오시는지 궁금합니다?


꿀주부님~~ㅠ 기절각이네요
코스트코 가면 꼬옥 연어 사올께요
왜냐면 여기는 코스트코가 없어요ㅜㅜ
저두 요즘 아보카도와 사랑 중이에요
제가 만든 레시피 아보카도베이컨 샌드위치를 고객님들이 많이 찾으셔서
아보카도 후숙이 못따라갈 정도가 됐네요 ㅋㅋ
집밥이 너무 그리워요
저도 곧 샌드 영상으로 다시 만나고 싶어요~~

c3 Clark

정말 감사합니다. 당신은 너무 아름답습니다

Le Ha My

Thật sự là mình rất thích âm nhạc những năm trước đây hơn là những bài hát hot hit hiện giờ. Kèm theo giọng hát của Đức Phúc thì ôi trời siêu hay luôn

fudia ‘s african kitchen

Nice love your video so much

Hdhjghjj Hfhdgh

ماهي نوعية القدر الذي تستعملينه للارز والقلي

Sarah Tea

How come you only use one portable stove to cook all your meals ?

Asmaa Ali

شكرا لك اتمنى ان اطبق بعض الاكل الكوري


꿀주부님 패션 후르츠 어디서 주문 하셨나요 저희 아들들이 너무 좋아해서 구매하고 싶어요~^^


아보카도가 정말 크네요! 혹시 어디서 구매하셨는지 알 수 있을까요?ㅎㅎ

Sojourner Shrink

Omg, if I put that much animal protein and oils in my body, I would literally die but interesting video tho.

Ба Луун

It’s amazing

이즈야 놀자

꿀주부님 밥 양이 상당하시네용ㅎㅎㅎㅎ더 매력적이세요~밥 양 적은 나는 왜 뚱뚱한거싱가ㅜㅜ


Salmon is my favorite to eat! Mmm!


두가지다잘하기가 어럽던데 ᆢ ㅡㅡ 대단하십니다 ㅎ


J’adore ton chien

Burcu Çelik

Mon Cota

Can I ask you, where u buy your dresses? I love this kind of comfortable and Long dresses, where can I find them online, thank you very much in advance

esmeralda pilar martinez

Delicious..is not easy

Damira Mendihanova

Почему вы вообще не едите хлеб?

Mariam Gilani

There’s something quite clinical in the way you cook. I’m not entirely sure if it’s conducive to a comfortable eating environment.


Ygu맘 S

제가 엄마인데 엄마라 부르고 싶네요. 새벽에 정주행 하는 이유는 뭘까요..

Samhitha Poludasu

i really like the aesthetic love from india

laura capuano

다정한 온기

채반은 어디껀가요?연어담은거요 ㅎ

Masha Fathima

yvopandia channel

love this vidio

Aya Delos Reyes

what vegtable is that? on top of the salmon?

Madhuri Nutan918

Utensils and stove links plz

Eleene B.

Rajesh K U

add product details. Like cases, table, stove..etc

Flordhelyza Quiño

New subscriber here in Philippines! ️


Heni Habsari

I like your video ️ from Indonesia ️




빙크 빛에 음료는월까요?쿠팡에서 구매 될까요?^^

Maggie Garcia


Çiğ balık yediler afiyetle. Türk mutfağında pek hoş karsilanmaz

Prima Ardelia Irvanda

i’m really enjoy watch your vidio ounieee

No name No surname


francesca favorito

Mom’s Cici

Looks good️ from Indonesian

Ahmet Özdemir Busra

Hello. Where does come from the gas supply on your small portable gas stove, please tell me? Thnx

Ruethai Neung

dan feng

hello jubu ,What is that green vegetable?See you eat it often。

Chris Alexis

I have never seen dried skin passion fruit for tea can you please tell how you dried them

Olga Rivera londoño


Meena Shah

I love your presentation
I like to know where cane I buy pot Holder ring or coster?

Елена Волкова

jennylyn so

im so confused. do you not have a stove? or is it just a preference to cook in the dining table.

Вак Рисик


البساطة مع حنان


Svitlana Kindrat


Canada Quebec369

يسلمو إيدك


i like your video very much. at 4:50 where did you buy the knife. thanks

Shahab Khan

M fasting watching ur video make me hungry….

Monica Fabbrini

Salve, qual è la marca della pentola in ghisa. Grazie

لمسة حنان

انتي تأثرين علي بشكل ايجابي لذا اشكرك‌‌‌‌

M Béatrice

MERCI depuis L’Ile de La Réunion 🙂

Katherine Gelacio

I like honeyyubu in her attitude and her lifestyle..become momy and her husband too you..momys birthday we love u always tagay

Hatice Aydogan

Hiç ekmek ve paketli gıda yemiyor musunuz ?


안녕하세요 혹시 7:12에 나오는 도마는 어디껀가요?


강아지간식 정보 알려주세요

Toumazos Demetriou


leia cassia



Nora Kitchen

Delicious kuliner

Magaly Rivera


Gizem Bora

Keşke sizi Türkiye de evimde ağırlasam bir kuru fasulye pilav yapayım size yanına turşu bir de cacık ohhh mis parmaklarınızı yersiniz vallahi ama fasulye güveçte pişecek asıl öyle lezzetli


EM원액 사용법은 없나요?


what’s the brand of your knife and cutting board?

رنيم رنيم

I love you ️️️ you are perfect

orasa dechapanya

i like it

Robbie P

Also you remind me of a Japanese vloger named Imamu.

Harsit Bhavya

Supr cookin

Angun Wangsha

Who else are watching her cooking several times in just one video while you are lazily sleeping on your bed

chamindi fernando

I recently watch your video, so awsome and all house and lucy so beautiful,


꿀주부 믿고 비회원으로 도마주문했는데 결제나 배송상황 확인할수 있을까요


허니님 따라쟁이 됐어요
닥터하우스 버너 노랑색으로 구입했는데 음식해먹고 보니 안쪽에 음식물이 흘러서 닦기가 무척힘드네요 영상보니 새것처럼 깨끗하던데….
어떤걸로 세척하시는지 궁금해요 그리고 고기한번 구워먹었더니 화구 주변 노랑색이 주황빛에 가깝게 되었네요 불을 세게 오래나두면 안되나봐요
TT경험하기전까지는 몰랐네요 다시 되돌릴순 없겠지요?
코팅된 부분세척방법만 알려주세요^^

Jona Bel

@uncle Roger ..look how she washed the rice


멋진영상 잘보며 대리만족하고 있습니다~
궁금한점이 있는데요.
밈뚝배기에 밥하시고 또 가마솥에도 하신거죠?
가마솥도 밈제품인가요?
정보부탁드려요 ~!

Jyong Folium

Tempat kukus nasinya.. Namanya apa dan belinya dmn??Serius tanya.

aicha dali

Délicieux wawww

Anas Nanou

Love you so much from Algeria

ጿ ኈ ቼ ዽ ጿ ኈ

This should read “what rich people eat in a week”.


밥지은 가마솥? 구입처좀 알려주세요~~

sasirin sahavut

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖚𝖓𝖎𝖖𝖚𝖊 𝖈𝖗𝖆𝖋𝖙 𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖊𝖓

Hii honey jubu from India i love this channel and i always see your video’s

Beca Martins

나는 이 음식을 좋아한다

Emma Tran

Hi, your video quality is so nice. Could I know which kind of camera you use?


밥솥어디서 구매하셨나요?



연어 횟감 보관 용기 궁금합니다~.


사용하시는칼 어디제품인지궁금해요

Kawaii Yuri

Ur videos bring me peace

Maria Santos…



볼수록 대한하세요

Elena Kiefel

Anna Mancini

Ciao , ti ho scoperta oggi e penso che ti seguirò perché mi è piaciuto il tuo video su gli Usa e getta. Puoi dirmi cosa significa la T nelle ricette? Ciao

Kris Kiss

Что такое варочное вино????????

Minseo Kong

이 영상 보고 오늘 코스트코 갔다왔습니다…


J Dias

Where do you buy your fish from?


밥솥 과 가스레인지? 어디서 구입하나요?

Λυδία Θεοχάρη ~ Online Interiors

May I ask. Do you eat on meal a day? Then nothing all day?


손이 진짜 엄청 빠르세요..!!

Rosa Devga

Delicious looking. Saya akan recook di konten.

Nesnes Basma

Is that plant called the basil?

bongiwe mbatha

We call it granadilla in South Africa

Maya Blue

파채칼 아이디어 good!

Naima Naou

radila utami

9:48 what tea is it?

Chris DC

J’allais oublie coucou a lucy

Affi Nusyaiza

I love watching your videos, where did you get your apron from ?

Summer Kay

너무 작은 냄비에 저런걸 볶는게 위태롭네요..ㅎ

sbhagya mary



주부님 오일병 사이트좀 알려주세요

Peggy Lau

how much water to cook rice please?

Maha Jabeen

For the first time I am seeing this passion fruit

sarah gibbs

I love your videos, but how do you stay so thin eating all that rice?

bluerose Montelibano

love latof

Like always the best Notification

Мухайе Ачилова

Как не рассталстейте вы так много еште

Safai briki لترجمة الوصفات التركية

WOW very nice video thank you so much my dear friend for sharing this lovely work
Have a nice day


넘 이뿌시네요 밥솥이 궁금해요 넘치지않나봐요

yj ham

후라이팬 어데서구입하셨나요


리틀포레스트 같아요

Aurora S.

Why don’t you use your packaged water in this video? I thought your tap water wasn’t safe?

Plant Pretty

Where does she get all her rattan stuff

fadil tomy



밥지은뚝배기는 어디껀가욤?


Love from Germany 🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪


오징어덮밥 연어장덮밥 아보카도명란덮밥 매운두부조림덮밥

Mama Teabelly🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

I loooooove passion fruit

nur velioglu

From türkiye hello🇹🇷

Sweets99 tsts

나는 쌀과 함께 매운 오징어 볶음밥에 어떤 종류의 생선을 먹어야합니다

Ady Liao Chen

Sorry I. I found the receipt. Thank you.




젏은분이 우째 잘하세요 배우셨나요 나이를먹어도못 하는데 부럽네요

Kingdom Warriors

Do you live in the US or in korea? Im just curious

maloka elzhar

ممكن طريقه السوشي

MiSS Sujithra ~ queen

வணக்கம் தோழி உங்கள் திறமை கடின உழைப்பு இரண்டையும் நான் பாராட்டுகிறேன் நன்றி


우드 식기 구입처 궁금해요~~볼이랑접시요

Leyma Caballero

Hello. New subscriber here

Оксана Акимова

У меня зарплаты не хватит такой лосось купить

Laukert Viktoria

Wo kann ich so ein reiskocher kaufen?


저는 이제야보고잇어요.. 식칼 어디건지 알수잇을까요??

صفاء النفس

I love you and i love all video thank you

Manzu Tamang

I luv ur videos️️n i am curious to see ur face

Perly Montenegro

??? Traducción? Por favor?

Sidahmed Sidahmsd

Hanan Beauty

م عندنا نبيذ بالسعوديه

Tina Strauss

Liebe honey,
Schöne Videos.
Bitte sagen Sie, wo bekommt man diese schön große Abwasch???
Danke, Tina


love and thanks


혹시 카메라 어떤걸로 쓰시나용~??^^


Do you live in Bangkok? I recognize the Singha soda water

Gül Ayna

Yeni video yokmu ne zaman gelecek


행주삶는스텐통은어디건가요 손잡이도있고모양도예쁘네요

Eman said

احببت فديوهاتك ايمان من مصر

waju channel

Apa jenis panci yg di gunakan masak nasi.

Аленький Цветочек


Lara Steffanini

Ciao ho guardato il tuo video molto volentieri

Alemla Alemla

Pon Yazhini


Anna L

리틀 포레스트 보는 거 같아욯ㅎ

Mamet karma and kayan مامت كارما وكيان



How do you prepare rice & cook it.


당신의 영화는 매우 편안합니다

Марина Ківало

Hello). Please, write universal consent rate soap nuts recipe. Thanks))


부루스타는 어디건가요~


개: 거 간식하나 얻어 먹기 꽤 힘들고만

divya poojary

Isn’t salmon supposed to be cooked or m i missing something


Wow hi from Colombia

Munia Nassar

ما اسم الاناء الذي تطبخين فيه الارز

Hatice Gökduman

Pilav tenceresinde neden 2 kapak var?

Ankela M

Raw egg yolk, raw fish?




Raw egg?

theo aba

I am sorry but l couldnt eat all these. In my country we Cook our food with a different way.


칼어디껀지 궁금해요~

Saly Salygirish


Marianna Kuznetcova

Много пластика,виноград ГМО,его не прожевать….,а рис на неделю варите,зачем так много? Есть и другие полезные крупы….

تبارك توتة

الفيديو جميل حقاً في دقيقة 13:10 هل هذه جبنه دائماً ما أراه

U. E.

That fish. Look at it

Golnaz Shush

Why n how salmon can be eaten raw, uncooked??!!

Porsche with no brakes

No English subtitles


Hai, aku dari indonesia🇮🇩 i like your video

HIS Servant

Where can i buy you all Woodern one ?


I love your channel but when I see the egg…..its not cooked!…omg. XD

lutfun nahar

From Bangladesh…
All over r really nice…
So pretty…
Love u….

Nova Novianti

Love u from Indonesia


비누자석홀더 링크로 구입 했습니다~^^
오일병은 어디서….^^

بسمة أمل

تعجبني حياتك العايشتها يارب ارزقني بيت الملك

Fatiha chanel



What’s squid taste?

Flor Monge

El huevo crudo no me gusta!


That is a lot of white rice in single serving


i love YOU

Жийдегүл Уйбакова

I like your long and wide vintage style dresses)please wear only such kind of cute dresses

Duaa Alazawy

الطن يعني ١٠٠٠ كيلو !!

amy Tseng


Jenan Mahdy

نحن كل شيئ ينطبخ عالنار حتى يؤكل في حين رايت روتينك كل شيئ تاكلون بلا طبخ نيئ او قليل عالنار

Татьяна Назранова

Один рис постоянно


참 부지런히움직이는 님을 보며 반성하고 배우고갑니다
우~~~배고파요 ㅋ

Shona Wang

No washing machine?

Amanda 😀

the photography, oMg

w p

한국사람들은 꿀주부 유트브를 거의 안보나봐요
댓글좀 보려했더니 전부다 외국말로 도배를 했군요 한국말도 많이 올려주시죠 짜증나네
연어장은 나랑 비슷하게 만드는군요
그리고 한국분 맛
맞나요? 거의 요리에 마늘을 안쓰는군요


I love you from Saudi Arabia

seda Karatas

Turkeyy ️

Halady Sheela prabhu Prabhu

No kitchen in this house????

Martina Taylor

I couldn’t eat a raw egg

Lioness Princess

It’s what I eat… Not “what I ate..”

Daniela Veizaj

Where are you located?

Hor46 _00

انييييو عرب

Маргарита Фурсенко

А почему ел то? Вы мужчина?

Bagdath Irsadh

Hi madam how are you?

Miss Simple

Wow, you have good vidio. I want to really know, your technic in taking vidio

Jennifer Kim

저 강아지 간식 정말 몸에 안좋은데 .. 먹이지마세여 제일 좋아한다니

Айрэн Тубчинова

Что то на богатом


Another raw food ? Smell so fishy… Oouchh

Svetlana svetlay

Я из России

Nesnes Basma

هل النبيذ الطبخ هو الخل؟

Maniha Zeezee

I am jealous

лол лол

что то на богатом

My Living Journal

Wow you take such big bites & eat so much & you are skinny! How does that happen? What is cod roe?

Zara Ahmet

Do you have people filming you? it’s just likelihood do everything in a tv studio rather than a home. I don’t know it’s just weird as you have a Childe and you can manage to film from every angle which it takes long long time to film

marilene lina

Eu nunca comeria peixe cru


While eating, please take of you cooking dress.

Rose Valdyne Souffrant

Rice every day anh no no

Agata Garcia

El huevo crudo???? No, gracias.

منوعات كوميديا

ي لهوى بياكلوه السلمون نى

Daiane Rodrigues dos santos

Vc nao trabalha fora

Fauziah Al’ulyaa

Bu… Kau juga harus banyak minum air putih


passion fruits and avocados is from americas.not even asean..and non..passion fruit is dry ..as it is astrigent.iti s better taken in the WINTER!!



hoeun ramy

glass name

Dark Lord Auron

So much food. D:

the Indian mom

Are you the same person who owns heymaydey channel?

Debjyoti Dutta

An advice ….buy a place inside costco

زين زين

مرحبا هوني جوبو

Shahd Shahd

صلو على النبي محمد صل الله عليه وسلم


누구신지 얼굴공개해주심 안될까요

Figen D

Nasıl bir mide anlamadım

Tifa Danastri

Hallo mom…
I want to bay your cooking rice…When Y bay..tq

Crystal Summers

I dunno about squid!

Sangeetha S

How U r eating fish without cooking





Kooi Peng Pang


Step by Step

Люди, которые оставляют комментарии наивно полагают, что там всегда одна женщина. Но почему у этой женщины время от времени высота стола доходит, то ей до середины бедер, то выше. Да и руки другие. Также и у детей. Это же коммерческий проект. Удачно рекламируется бытовая техника, посуда и пр.

Mary Appospet

Y have not cooked the fish…and have eaten it raw


I have….so many….

…. questions…..

Van Anh Le

Bật quảng cáo 5ph 1 lần xem bực cả mình



Wong Wong


Pavithra G

You eat raw fish

Risma Siahaan

Periuk nya bagus ya

Bagdath Irsadh

Your children’s go to school. School is open are not . tell me . see soon . with your better next video

ki li


t T

Everything raw!! Salmonella bacteria says hi

Sena Wardana

Frm idn

monica olmos

No hay ninguna receta. Este video MIENTE

Kalyani Phukan

That’s not a spoon, it’s a ladle that you are using to eat.

Samhitha Poludasu

2 nd



Diya Sharma

Why don’t u people nvr cook anything?fresh egg yolks non cooked salmon..


Ka lamk


I like your channel and enjoy it, but I don’t like your pet call Lucy, that’s a human name . I have to stop this video.

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