How to check the size of Remote Drive using Rclone


Rclone is a powerful command-line tool that enables users to manage and sync files to and from various cloud storage providers. One of its useful features is the ability to list the size of your remote drive. This article will guide you through the process of using Rclone to list the size of your remote drive easily.

How to do

Before we begin, make sure you have Rclone installed on your system. You can download and install it from the official Rclone website ( Additionally, ensure that you have configured Rclone for your cloud storage provider, such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or OneDrive.

Step 1: Open the Terminal or Command Prompt

To begin, open your Terminal (in macOS and Linux) or Command Prompt (in Windows).

Step 2: Access the Rclone Command

In the Terminal or Command Prompt window, type “rclone” followed by the appropriate flags and options.

Step 3: Get a List of the Remote Drives

To get a list of your configured remote drives, use the following command:

rclone listremotes

This command will provide you with a list of all the remote drives

Step 4: Select the Remote Drive

Choose the remote drive for which you want to list the size. Copy the name of the remote drive from the list displayed.

Step 5: List the Size of the Remote Drive

Now, using the remote drive name obtained in the previous step, enter the following command to list the size of the remote drive:

rclone size remote:

Replace “remote:” with the name of your remote drive.

For example, if your remote drive is named “mydrive”, the command would look like this:

rclone size mydrive:

Step 6: View the Size Information

Once you run the command, Rclone will start calculating the size of your remote drive. It will display the total size of the drive along with the number of files and folders in the remote drive.


Being able to list the size of your remote drive using Rclone is a helpful way to keep track of your cloud storage usage. With just a few simple steps, you can quickly obtain this information. Rclone’s versatility and ease of use make it a great tool for managing and syncing files across various cloud storage providers.

Note: Remember to replace “remote:” with the name of your actual remote drive when executing the command. Additionally, keep in mind that the size calculation might take some time, depending on the size of your remote drive and your internet connection speed.

In this article, we have walked through the steps to list the size of a remote drive using Rclone. By following these instructions, you can easily monitor your cloud storage usage and stay aware of the space available in your remote drive.

Happy Rcloning and efficient cloud storage management!

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