Mastering PostgreSQL CHR() Function

Welcome to our latest blog post where we will be diving into the powerful PostgreSQL CHR() function. If you're a database enthusiast or someone who works with PostgreSQL regularly, you're probably familiar with the vast array of functions it offers. However, if you haven't explored the CHR() function yet, you're in for a treat. In this article, we will explore what the CHR() function is, how it works, and how you can leverage its capabilities to enhance your PostgreSQL queries. So, let's get started and unlock the potential of PostgreSQL CHR() function together!

What is PostgreSQL CHR()?

PostgreSQL CHR() is a built-in function that is used to convert an integer value into its corresponding character representation based on the ASCII code. This function takes an integer argument and returns a single character string. The ASCII code is a numerical representation assigned to each character in the ASCII character set. By using the CHR() function in PostgreSQL, developers can easily convert these numerical values back into their respective characters. This function is particularly useful when dealing with character manipulation and data transformation tasks in PostgreSQL databases. It allows for efficient conversion and manipulation of character data, enhancing the overall functionality and flexibility of PostgreSQL.

Why use PostgreSQL CHR()?

PostgreSQL's CHR() function is a powerful tool that allows users to convert an integer into its corresponding character. This function is particularly useful in scenarios where there is a need to manipulate or display character data based on numeric values. By using CHR(), developers can easily convert ASCII codes or Unicode code points into their respective characters, enabling them to perform various operations such as generating dynamic strings, creating custom sequences, or even transforming numeric data into readable formats. This function not only simplifies the process of character conversion but also enhances the flexibility and efficiency of PostgreSQL database management.


The correct syntax of the PostgreSQL CHR() function is as follows: CHR(integer). This function is used to convert an integer value into its corresponding character. The integer parameter represents the Unicode code point of the character to be returned. The CHR() function can be useful in various scenarios, such as when you need to convert numeric values into their corresponding characters for display or manipulation purposes. It is important to note that the integer parameter must be within the valid Unicode code point range, otherwise an error will occur.


In this blog post, we will explore the usage of PostgreSQL CHR() function and provide a code example to demonstrate its functionality. The CHR() function in PostgreSQL is used to convert an integer into its corresponding character representation based on the ASCII value. This function can be particularly useful when dealing with character manipulation and encoding tasks. To illustrate its usage, let's consider a scenario where we want to convert a series of ASCII values into their respective characters. We can achieve this by utilizing the CHR() function in a SELECT statement. For instance, the following code snippet demonstrates how to convert the ASCII values 65, 66, and 67 into characters 'A', 'B', and 'C', respectively:

SELECT CHR(65) AS character_1, CHR(66) AS character_2, CHR(67) AS character_3;

Executing this query will return the result set with three columns, each containing the corresponding character representation of the given ASCII values.


In conclusion, the PostgreSQL CHR() function is a powerful tool that allows users to convert ASCII codes into their corresponding characters. By using this function, developers can easily manipulate and transform data within their PostgreSQL databases. Whether it's for data cleansing, data migration, or any other data manipulation task, the CHR() function provides a simple and efficient solution. Additionally, understanding how to use this function effectively can greatly enhance the overall performance and functionality of your PostgreSQL queries. So, if you're looking to optimize your database operations and make the most out of your PostgreSQL system, don't overlook the power of the CHR() function. Incorporate it into your SQL queries and unlock a whole new level of data manipulation capabilities.

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