Converting SJIS_TO_UTF8 with PostgreSQL

Welcome to our latest blog post where we will be diving into the powerful PostgreSQL function, SJIS_TO_UTF8(). If you are a database enthusiast or someone who works extensively with PostgreSQL, you may have come across this function before. In this article, we will explore the ins and outs of SJIS_TO_UTF8(), its purpose, and how it can be utilized to efficiently convert character encodings within your PostgreSQL database. So, whether you are a beginner looking to expand your knowledge or an experienced user seeking to optimize your database operations, this blog post is for you. Let's get started!

What is PostgreSQL SJIS_TO_UTF8()?

PostgreSQL SJIS_TO_UTF8() is a function that is used to convert text data from Shift JIS encoding (SJIS) to UTF-8 encoding in PostgreSQL databases. Shift JIS is a character encoding widely used in the Japanese language, while UTF-8 is a universal character encoding that supports a wide range of languages and characters. This function is particularly useful when dealing with data that needs to be stored or processed in a PostgreSQL database, where the desired encoding is UTF-8. By using SJIS_TO_UTF8(), developers can ensure that the text data is correctly converted and stored in the appropriate encoding, allowing for seamless integration and compatibility with other systems and applications.

Why use PostgreSQL SJIS_TO_UTF8()?

PostgreSQL SJIS_TO_UTF8() is a valuable function that serves a crucial purpose in database management. The function is primarily used to convert text data encoded in Shift JIS (SJIS) character set to the UTF-8 character set. This is particularly useful when dealing with multilingual applications or when migrating data from legacy systems that use SJIS encoding. By utilizing SJIS_TO_UTF8(), users can ensure seamless compatibility and proper handling of text data across different platforms and applications. This function plays a vital role in maintaining data integrity and enabling efficient communication between systems that use different character encodings.


The correct syntax for the PostgreSQL SJIS_TO_UTF8() function is as follows: SJIS_TO_UTF8(text). This function is used to convert a string encoded in Shift JIS (SJIS) character set to UTF-8 encoding. The function takes a single argument, which is the text or string that needs to be converted. It returns the converted string in UTF-8 encoding. It is important to note that the SJIS_TO_UTF8() function is only available if the database has been compiled with the necessary encoding support. This function is particularly useful when dealing with data that is stored in Shift JIS encoding and needs to be converted to UTF-8 for compatibility with other systems or applications.


In this blog post, we will explore the usage of PostgreSQL's SJIS_TO_UTF8() function and provide a code example to illustrate its implementation. The SJIS_TO_UTF8() function is a powerful tool that allows users to convert text from Shift JIS encoding to UTF-8 encoding in PostgreSQL. This function is particularly useful when dealing with data that contains Japanese characters, as Shift JIS is a commonly used character encoding for Japanese text. By using SJIS_TO_UTF8(), users can seamlessly convert their data to UTF-8 encoding, which is widely supported and compatible with various applications and systems. Let's dive into a code example to demonstrate how to use this function effectively:

-- Create a sample table with Shift JIS encoded data
CREATE TABLE sample_table (
    text_sjis TEXT

-- Insert some sample data in Shift JIS encoding
INSERT INTO sample_table (text_sjis)
VALUES ('こんにちは世界'), ('さようなら');

-- Convert the Shift JIS encoded data to UTF-8 using SJIS_TO_UTF8()
SELECT id, SJIS_TO_UTF8(text_sjis) AS text_utf8
FROM sample_table;

In the above code example, we first create a sample table called `sample_table` with two columns: `id` and `text_sjis`. We then insert some sample data in Shift JIS encoding using the `INSERT INTO` statement. Finally, we use the `SELECT` statement along with the SJIS_TO_UTF8() function to convert the Shift JIS encoded data to UTF-8. The result will be a table with the `id` column and a new column called `text_utf8`, which contains the converted UTF-8 text. This code example demonstrates how to effectively utilize the SJIS_TO_UTF8() function in PostgreSQL for converting Shift JIS encoded data to UTF-8.


In conclusion, the PostgreSQL SJIS_TO_UTF8() function is a powerful tool for converting text data from Shift JIS encoding to UTF-8 encoding. This function is particularly useful for developers working with Japanese text or dealing with legacy systems that use Shift JIS encoding.

By utilizing the SJIS_TO_UTF8() function, developers can seamlessly convert their data to UTF-8, which is the standard encoding for modern applications and the internet. This ensures compatibility and consistency across different platforms and systems.

Furthermore, the SJIS_TO_UTF8() function is easy to use and integrates seamlessly with PostgreSQL, making it a convenient solution for developers working with PostgreSQL databases. It provides a straightforward and efficient way to handle character encoding conversions, saving time and effort in the development process.

In summary, the PostgreSQL SJIS_TO_UTF8() function is a valuable tool for developers working with Japanese text or dealing with legacy systems. It simplifies the process of converting text data from Shift JIS encoding to UTF-8 encoding, ensuring compatibility and consistency in modern applications. By leveraging this function, developers can streamline their development process and deliver high-quality, internationalized applications.

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