convert.exe: UnableToOpenConfigureFile `magic.xml’ @ warning/configure.c/GetConfigureOptions/714.

Ao tentar redimensionar uma imagem usando a ferramenta ImageMagick o usuário recebe a mensagem de erro abaixo.

convert.exe: UnableToOpenConfigureFile `magic.xml’ @ warning/configure.c/GetConfigureOptions/714.

Adicione o arquivo magic.xml (conteúdo abaixo) a pasta onde se encontra o convert.exe:

[code language=”xml”]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE magicmap [
<!ELEMENT magicmap (magic)+>
<!ELEMENT magic (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST magic offset CDATA "0">
Associate an image format with a unique identifier.
Many image formats have identifiers that uniquely identify a particular
image format. For example, the GIF image format always begins with GIF8
as the first 4 characters of the image. ImageMagick uses this information
to quickly determine the type of image it is dealing with when it reads
an image.
<!– <magic name="GIF" offset="0" target="GIF8"/> –>
<!– <magic name="JPEG" offset="0" target="377330377"/> –>
<!– <magic name="PNG" offset="0" target="211PNGrn\032n"/> –>
<!– <magic name="TIFF" offset="0" target="115115\000\052"/> –>

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